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Monday 1/20: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Salinas
Old County Jail, 142 W. Alisal St.
Native Animal Rescue
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From CalMatters...
From Santa Cruz Sentinel...
From The Pajaronian...
Four years after she left the Watsonville City Council, having served the maximum two terms, Trina Coffman-Gomez is again running for the District 6 seat.
From Santa Cruz Local...
School board trustees play key roles in local government, helping ensure that school districts adhere to the values and priorities of their communities.
Affordable housing, better job opportunities for young people and concerns about empty second homes were some top issues in a recent poll of voters from Aptos and other areas of Santa Cruz County Supervisor District 2.
Some Scotts Valley voters said they wanted more shops and services in the city, additional affordable housing and more support for families, according to recent interviews and an informal poll.
Santa Cruz County voters on Nov. 5 will consider a parcel tax for county, city and nonprofit projects to help reduce the risks of wildfires, floods and other catastrophes fueled by climate change.
Lawmakers who represent parts of Santa Cruz County include Assemblymember Gail Pellerin, Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas, Assemblymember Dawn Addis and state Sen. John Laird, D-Santa Cruz. To keep track of their votes on key bills — and some laws that went into effect July 1 — Santa Cruz Local has summarized some recent legislation by topic.
A recent straw poll of Capitola residents ahead of the Nov. 5 election showed a need for traffic flow improvements, increased bike safety and better transparency in local government.
The Watsonville City Council Tuesday night voted 5-2 to approve a question for the Nov. 5 ballot that would remove the city charter’s requirement for commission members to be registered voters.
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