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Saturday 2/1: Marina: Keep Eyes on Sudan Community Solidarity Event
Marina Library, Community Room, 190 Seaside Circle Marina, CA 93933
Leash Law Advocates of Santa Cruz County
Listed under: Animals
The Downtown Commission encompasses two former City Council advisory bodies. The seven-member commission advises the City Council on all matters pertaining to the maintenance and management of Parking District No. 1, and the Central Business and Improvement District. The commission develops long-range plans and implementation programs to provide downtown public parking and also may study traffic problems in the districts. It makes recommendations regarding the allocation of funds derived from revenues collected on behalf of the districts, and it recommends policies and programs to ensure the viability and attractiveness of the downtown area.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings are being held on Zoom with public comment submitted in advance via email or live via phone.
Meetings are normally held on the fourth Thursday of the month, in January, March, May, July, September and November at 8:30 a.m.
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