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Santa Cruz County Art, Culture & Media Articles

The Pajaronian logo LOCAL NEWS
Watsonville Native, ‘Raw Talent’ Actor, Hits the Big-Time

Watsonville High graduate Sedrick Cabrera never planned on being an actor.

Press Banner logo LOCAL NEWS
Explore the Intricate World of Calculation at San Lorenzo Valley Museum’s New Exhibition

San Lorenzo Valley Museum is counting on locals to visit its newest exhibition, “The Way We Calculated,” at the San Lorenzo Valley’s Faye G. Belardi Memorial Gallery in Felton. The exhibition runs until June 15, with a reception on Saturday, …

Celebrating International Women’s Day With Women Activists

We hear from the singing group, the Ukes of Bonny Doon, Suzanne, Laurie, Rizzie and Becca, who recently returned from singing and playing at a protest at the state capital. Then, an interview with Amanda Harris Altice and Jenny Evans …

Benito Link logo LOCAL NEWS
Arts Council Awarded $250,000 Workforce Development Grant

Information provided by San Benito County Arts Council. Lea este artículo en español aquí.The San Benito County Arts Council along with lead partners, the Arts Council for Monterey County and the Arts Council Santa Cruz County, are excited to announce …

Press Banner logo LOCAL NEWS
Art, Wine & Beer Fest Saved at ‘11th Hour’ With Help of New Council Member

Planning for the two-day Scotts Valley Art, Wine & Beer Festival, scheduled for Aug. 16-17, was about to be derailed when discussions between the Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce and the City got back on track with the help of …

The Pajaronian logo LOCAL NEWS
Quilt Show Fills Three Buildings

The Pajaro Valley Quilt Association held its annual show over the weekend with more than 300 quilts on display at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds.

Good Times logo LOCAL NEWS
Poetic License

Victoria Bañales was the first in her family to attend college, but like many young people she was unsure where her path would take her.

San Lorenzo Valley Post logo LOCAL NEWS
Yeshe Jackson Paints Mural Honoring Albert the White Peacock

Artist Yeshe Jackson has put initial brush strokes on a mural honoring Albert the white peacock of Boulder Creek. The artwork in progress in Historic Downtown Boulder Creek is intended to symbolize mountain resilience through beauty and community spirit. The …

The Pajaronian logo LOCAL NEWS
Watsonville Woman Chosen as Poet Laureate

Victoria Bañales was the first in her family to attend college, but like many young people she was unsure where her path would take her.

Press Banner logo LOCAL NEWS
Gomez Appointed 2025-26 Santa Cruz County Poet Laureate

Nancy Miller Gomez has been named the 2025-26 Santa Cruz County Poet Laureate, announced Santa Cruz Public Libraries and the County of Santa Cruz Department of Parks, Open Spaces and Cultural Services, along with Arts Council Santa Cruz County and …

KSQD Silent Auction March 15th Preview

On March 15th KSQD will celebrate its 6th birthday with a gala fundraiser concert and silent auction. Donations are still coming in! Here is a sneak preview of the many fabulous items you can bid on at the event:
These …

Squid Fest West Tickets Now on Sale

Squid Fest West is shaping up to be one for the records. It's KSQD's Sixth birthday celebration March 15th at The Resource Center for Nonviolence, 1-6pm at 612 Ocean Street in Santa Cruz. Get your tickets before they sell out …

Press Banner logo LOCAL NEWS
Get Cozy at Roaring Camp’s Winter Warmer Festival

A brand-new and all-ages tradition called Winter Warmer Festival will be held inside Bret Harte Hall at Roaring Camp Railroads on Saturday, Feb. 15, from 3-9:30pm.

Tribute to Jess York With PK Hattis and Shmuel Thaler – Talk of the Bay

Talk of the Bay's host PK Hattis is joined by longtime Santa Cruz Sentinel photographer Shmuel Thaler. Both Thaler and Hattis, who also works as a reporter at the Sentinel, are mourning the death of colleague Jess York, who died …

The Pajaronian logo LOCAL NEWS
County Seeking Artists for Juvenile Hall Public Art Project

The Santa Cruz County Department of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services has sent out a call to area artists to create a public artwork for new and renovated areas of the Juvenile Hall Facility in Felton.

Good Times logo LOCAL NEWS
Beyond Baroque

The late, great Linda Burman-Hall, Santa Cruz Baroque Festival’s founder and redhaired harpsichordist-in-chief, is a hard act to follow. But the 50-year-old festival has found its next leader in the form of exuberant German organist Jörg Reddin.

New Leader at the MAH

The McPherson Art and History Museum has a new director, Ginger Shulick Porcella. She comes with experience at museums big and small, from Arizona to Minnesota, and has big ideas as the MAH approaches its 30th anniversary next year. How …

Image caption: Nothing beats starting the day by reading the newspaper.
Journalism Has a Platform Problem

In which we examine the current state of online news and information discovery and distribution platforms, and how we hope to chart a path forward in 2025.

Good Times logo LOCAL NEWS
A Fond Bye-Bye to Bruce Bratton

Hard to think about this town without his omnipresence, the inimitable Bruce Bratton, who left us just days ago. Santa Cruz fixture and perennial gadfly Bratton was hired and fired by every publication in town more than once.

Good Times logo LOCAL NEWS
Farewell to Bruce Bratton

There’s a little pain in Santa Cruz hearts for longtime Santa Cruz media icon and commentator Bruce Bratton, who passed away this week.