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January 8 – 14, 2025
Highlights this week: Greensite... on the Wharf Reopening... Steinbruner... Sewage sludge, desal, or brackish water conversion... Hayes... What's in the air... Patton... A Force For World Peace......
100+ Women Who Care
Listed under: Community Service & Support
Officials say integrating the departments will streamline services and improve customer service.
WATSONVILLE—Work continues on a new business complex on the 900 block of Main Street at Auto Center Drive in Watsonville. Santa Cruz Seaside Company spokesperson Kris Reyes said the three-building project includes two restaurants, Chipotle Mexican Grill and The Habit …
WATSONVILLE—In early December, the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved next year’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), a 188-page list of projects the county hopes to complete or move forward on over the next five years. The $966 million …
SB 35 is one of California’s most important affordable housing laws. Here’s what it does, and a look at how well it’s working.
The city council's revised plan for the 'mixed-use library' project includes more affordable housing units and less parking stalls.
Council lauds revised designs, but ballot measure could sink project.
Building permit approval needed.
In which we ponder how to make things better in a climate of no.
While arborists surveyed the property earlier this year, the removal work didn’t begin until about two weeks ago; it's scheduled to continue through 2021.
Design standards, mixed-use zones to be tackled at Wednesday meeting.
By M.C. Dwyer Last month, a group of us REALTORs was spurred into action when a unanimous vote of the County Board of Supervisors (“Board”) created the CZU Rebuild Directive. On its surface, the vote seemed positive for those who’d …
UPDATED In which we ponder the things around which humans self organize.
What’s a LAFCO? That’s the odd-sounding acronym for the independent boards that get a grip on suburban sprawl and government inefficiency.
A State Senate bill would allow quick rezoning for multi-family housing, as a new research study reveals the high cost of single-family zoning laws.
The future of 1,100 miles of spectacular coastline is in the hands of the California Coastal Commission, which is beloved by coastal environmentalists, notorious among those who favor development, and little-known in the inland parts of the state.
Housing promises, water use questioned with growth
Proponents applaud housing, opponents criticize height, shade, congestion
Highway 1 homeless camp: ‘We really don’t have a place to send folks,’ staff said
County supervisors weigh in on vacation rentals, tiny homes
What is California’s Forest Management Task Force and what does it do?
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