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FDA moves to eliminate carcinogenic Red 3 from foods
Red 3 has been prohibited for use in cosmetics and topical drugs since 1990
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Governors Gavin Newsom (D-CA) and Ron DeSantis (R-FL) faced each other on a debate stage and traded blows, barbs, and zingers over the relative merits of their states in a Fox News debate that was nothing if not entertaining.
On Talk of the Bay we explore a controversial new proposal to install 22 high-speed license plate image capture cameras at busy intersections in the city of Santa Cruz. The proposal has been placed on the consent agenda of the …
California and 32 other states are suing Instagram’s parent company, Meta, saying that their apps are damaging to children. Is there evidence for those claims? Here’s why social media is under attack.
KQED has spent more than three years reporting on how reparations could work in California. This series looks at the nuanced work that could be needed.
California has more gun laws than any other state. Here's how it took a series of mass shootings to make the state the toughest in the country on guns.
Gov. Newsom vetoes what would have been a first-in-the-nation law banning caste discrimination in education, housing and the workplace. The bill divided South Asian communities in California.
Gov. Newsom just signed a tax on firearms and ammunition, among other new gun control laws. California’s remaining gun manufacturers wonder if they have a future.
Watsonville Police Department formally welcomed five new officers at a promotional badge pinning and awards ceremony Wednesday. Close to 150 people packed the City Council Chambers for the two-hour event that drew top brass from Santa Cruz, San Benito and …
In the Imperial County desert, a volunteer group routinely maintains large barrels filled with water to help migrants traversing the California desert. As rescues increase, the longstanding immigration policies that funneled migrants to such harsh terrain deserve scrutiny.
Possible $200 million project weighed by Sheriff’s Office, inmate advocates.
Legislators weren’t able to reach a compromise that helps insurers with wildfire risk while also protecting homeowners. Interest groups hope to find one in meetings this fall.
Hate crimes were up 20 percent in California in 2022, with those against transgender, Muslim and Black people increasing especially sharply. But the state is also spending more than any other to combat such crimes, including a hotline, state commission …
A bipartisan bill to prohibit TikTok on state phones is shelved until 2024. It had breezed through the state Legislature, but the authors want to tweak the measure. It's the latest social media regulation to get stalled in California.
California prisons are badly understaffed when it comes to doctors and psychiatrists. A new contract attempts to boost retention with substantial bonuses.
California cities are struggling to hire police in a tight labor market after the COVID pandemic. Some are raising by double digits and offering eye-catching bonuses.
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