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California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

A 113-unit affordable housing development is under development for the site of the former San Juan Motel 5700 Stockton Boulevard in Sacramento.

California Local Pin Marker From Solving Sacramento...

The Sacramento Observer has compiled a list of affordable housing projects under construction in Sacramento.

California Local Pin Marker From CapPublicRadio...

Learn what candidates for Sacramento Mayor had to say in their September 5 debate in this CapRadio report.

California Local Pin Marker From CapPublicRadio...

CapRadio reports on an air monitoring program seeking to determine the cause of respiratory illnesses in South Sacramento.

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

On July 29, the owner of a commercial property at the corner of 5th Street and 1st Avenue in Sacramento filed suit against the city in federal court over the worsening homeless presence in the area and damage caused to the property as a result.

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

The Sacramento Bee follows up with some of the former residents of Camp Resolution following their August 26 eviction, and in some cases, loss of possessions.

California Local Pin Marker From CapPublicRadio...

In their August 27 meeting the Sacramento City Council approved an update to the police military equipment policy.

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Observer...

On August 26, about 50 residents of were evicted and removed from the Camp Resolution site at 2225 Calfax Street in Sacramento.

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

A resident of the Roseville Road homeless shelter in Sacramento talks about their experience there.

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

The Sacramento Bee explains the history and current status of the self-managed homeless Camp Resolution.

Folsom Times logo From Folsom Times...

Image for display with article titled Folsom & Sacramento Fire Companies Hold Joint Training

On August 20, companies and chiefs from the Folsom Fire Department and the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire Departments participated in a joint training drill.

Sacramento News and Review logo From Sacramento News and Review...

Image for display with article titled New City Division Aims to Streamline Sacramento’s Entertainment Permits and Boost Live Programming

The City of Sacramento recently created a new entertainment services division designed to be a single point of entry for all entertainment-related permits.

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

In their August 20 meeting, the Sacramento City Council heard a presentation on a staffing diversity audit covering three years, noting several large disparities.

California Local Pin Marker From CapPublicRadio...

A proposal to increase limits on total cannabis dispensaries in Sacramento was shelved following input from current dispensary owners who asserted the local market is oversaturated.

California Local Pin Marker From CapPublicRadio...

The City of Sacramento is preparing to introduce an ordinance meant to stimulate construction of more multiple dwelling unit housing.

California Local Pin Marker From CapPublicRadio...

The story of a blighted 7-acre vacant lot in South Sacramento and the now fully occupied affordable housing development which was built there.

California Local Pin Marker From CapPublicRadio...

Residents of Camp Resolution in Sacramento announced their intention of remaining on the city-owned lot despite the lease expiring, and are seeking an injunction preventing eviction.

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

Market rate housing is being proposed for the Marshall School site in midtown Sacramento at 28th and G Streets.

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

The homeless suit filed by the City of Sacramento District Attorney against the City of Sacramento has been stayed by the court for 6 months as both parties enter mediation.

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg claims that the recent US Supreme Court ruling won't affect Sacramento. Recent changes might indicate otherwise.

California Local Pin Marker From CapPublicRadio...

The City of Sacramento is preparing its Streets for People Active Transportation Plan and is seeking public input through online comments and in workshops.

California Local Pin Marker From CapPublicRadio...

The annual Sacramento Police Department military equipment policy and usage report is before the city council for review, citing 324 incidents involving use of military equipment between May 2023 and April 2024.

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

Citing a lack of water and electricity supply, nonprofit Safe Ground Sacramento has advised the City of Sacramento it is ending its lease of the Camp Resolution site on August 10.

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

Construction has begun on the 14-story expansion of the UC Davis Medical Center on Stockton Boulevard in Sacramento.

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

What's the story on the 10-story pyramid adjacent to the Tower Bridge over the Sacramento River?

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

Following outrage after suspending water deliveries to homeless camps during a blistering heatwave, the City of Sacramento announced it is resuming delivery to Camp Resolution.

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

Despite having a huge waiting list of unhoused seeking shelter, the City of Sacramento closed a River District facility, citing a need to replace plumbing and sewage pipes.

Sacramento News and Review logo From Sacramento News and Review...

Image for display with article titled CleanStart’s Thomas Hall and Christina Granados on the Importance of Community Outreach in Clean-Tech Development

As Sacramento looks to build a more sustainable and inclusive economy, in part thanks to an influx of state funding set to benefit growing sectors, Valley Vision asked residents how they would like this development to look.

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