Police Department


1000 Lincoln Ave, Woodland, CA 95695

Phone: (530) 661-7800

The Woodland Police Department improves the quality of life for residents by operating programs that prevent, investigate, solve, and ultimately decrease crime.

The chief of police is the highest-ranking officer in the department. It is the job of the chief of police to plan, organize and direct the department’s activities.

The Patrol Division provides quality law enforcement services to the community 24 hours every day, 365 days per year.

The Investigations Bureau conducts follow-up criminal investigations on all felony and select misdemeanor crimes reported to the department.

The Support Services Bureau is composed primarily of non-sworn staff. The bureau encompasses the Records Division and Property and Evidence.

Members of the department also serve through specialty assignments, such as Canine Specialty, the Bike Team, the Honor Guard, SWAT, and the Crisis Negotiation Team.

The Community Relations Bureau is the newest bureau; it houses the Street Response Team, the Homeless Outreach Street Team, School Resource Officers, Crime Prevention, and the Traffic Division.