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When Tania Garcia-Cadena was appointed to the Woodland City Council, she made history. For the first time, the city saw its first female majority on the council. Garcia-Cadena was tapped to fill the District 3 seat that Councilmember Angel Barajas vacated when he won his campaign for the Yolo County Board of Supervisors. In November 2022, she ran unopposed for a second term.
Born and raised in Woodland, Garcia-Cadena spent most of her career as a preschool teacher and parenting educator. She also worked as program manager for Yolo Connections, overseeing the Youth Gang Mentorship Program, the Volunteer Connection and parenting classes. She was awarded the city’s Community Service Award in 2012 and received the Woman of the Year Award from Congressman John Garamendi in 2018.
First appointed: January 19, 2021.
Alma mater: Woodland Community College (associate’s degree, early childhood education).
Day job: Executive director of the Woodland Volunteer Food Closet.
Other service: Woodland Joint Unified School District Budget Advisory Council, Child Care Commission, Parks & Rec Commission, Woodland Schools Foundation (founding member).
Board and committee appointments: Yolo County Housing Authority committee, Water Resources Association/Yolo Sub-Basin Groundwater Agency, Valley Clean Energy Alliance, Collaborative for Woodland Youth, Chamber of Commerce 2x2, Library 2x2, and Woodland subcommittees on homelessness and commercial cannabis.
Notable quote: “My Top 3 priorities: ensure safe neighborhoods and community connections for all residents; increase local workforce development opportunities; support green energy alternatives, while maintaining a fiscally balanced budget.” (Source: VotersEdge.org)
From Daily Democrat...
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The Woodland League will be sponsoring two candidate forums in advance of the November 5 presidential election.
From West Sacramento Sun...
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