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Yolo County Education Articles

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California’s Reparations Could Include Tuition, Housing Grants

California’s first-in-the-nation task force to identify reparations said business loans, housing grants, tuition, wage and job protections could provide redress for African Americans.

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‘Public Interest Media' Funding Bill Advances

SB 911 would provide $50M in public funding for journalism in California. It is heading to the state Senate floor with outside support still tepid.

Image caption: A red-tailed hawk on a light pole overlooking downtown Santa Cruz.
Citizen Science

Sometimes making the community better manifests as a better understanding of how nature works. Local birders lead the way.

CalMatters logo STATE NEWS
Who’s missing from California’s community colleges?

California’s community college enrollment plummeted during the pandemic. Here are the stories of some of the students who left.

Image caption: California's sprawling public education system encompasses approximately 10,500 schools.
California’s Education System: How the Bureaucracy Works

How California's extensive public school system is organized and managed, explained.

Image caption: California's library system dates back 171 years.
How Cool Are Libraries?

California has gone from one library to more than 1,100 in the last 171 years.

Image caption: California’s school reopening plan was criticized for favoring wealthy, mostly white districts.
California School Reopenings, Explained

California’s plan to get schoolchildren back into classrooms after a year of distance learning is taking shape. Here’s the latest on the state’s school reopenings.

Image caption: With cases doubling within a 10-day period in the state, Governor Gavin Newsom decided it was time to take drastic action.
Winter Spike Hits Sacramento Area

While several counties were seeing a dip in COVID-19 cases and looked poised to continue reopening, colder weather changed their future.


California's library system dates back 171 years.
How Cool Are Libraries?
California has gone from one library to more than 1,100 in the last 171 years.
California's sprawling public education system encompasses approximately 10,500 schools.
California’s Education System: How the Bureaucracy Works
How California's extensive public school system is organized and managed, explained.
Nurturing Yolo County Families
Yolo County families have many places to find help, including early childhood development services, after-school activities, and recreational opportunities.
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