Famous as the locus for gold mining, today Placerville cites lumber, agriculture, light manufacturing, tourism and recreation as strengths in its economy, along with vineyards and production of fine wines. Formerly known as Hangtown—there's a great story about being the site of the first known hanging in the Mother Lode for a string of gold robberies by some bad guys—visitors can get a look into the pursuit of gold at the Gold Bug Park & Mine, a museum with tours and books on the era. The county seat of El Dorado County has population of around 11,000, most of whom can tell you all about the town’s legendary “Hangtown fry,” a dish of eggs, bacon, and oysters favored by miners.

Image for City of Placerville City Council

City Council

Placerville operates under the council-manager form of municipal government. Councilmembers are elected at large for four-year staggered terms of office at the general municipal election in November of even-numbered years.

Image for City of Placerville Planning Commission

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission works with the director of Development Services, staff and city officials to guide the city’s long-term planning and development. Its meetings are held the first and third Tuesdays of every month and are open to the public. (Photo: Paul Brady Photography/Shutterstock)

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