Picture of Jackie Neau

Councilmember Jackie Neau



A nine-year member of the Placerville Recreation & Parks Commission, first-term Placerville City Councilmember Jackie Neau frequently volunteers at local events such as National Night Out, Rise & Shine Placerville, Walk to School Day and other similar events. Neau earned her bachelor’s degree in English literature from San Jose State University.

First elected: Nov. 6, 2020

Day job: “Volunteer Extraordinaire”

Notable quote: “I think the ever-increasing homeless population is a complicated, multi-layered issue. I think we have to have compassion, but also accountability. I also have compassion for the residents who want to raise their children in a safe environment, who want to be able to walk the trails and use the public parks and don’t deserve conditions that are hazardous and unsafe.” (Source: Mountain Democrat)

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