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192 Backpacks filled with School Supplies Distributed through new Partnership!
As students across South Lake Tahoe returned to school last week, the community rallied in a remarkable show of support for its youth. The inaugural Back-to-School Drive, hosted by the Marcella Fo...
El Dorado County Community Concert Association
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(530) 544-6474
A South LakeTahoe resident for 25 years, Nick Haven holds a degree in public administration, with a minor in transportation geography, from San Diego State University.
Haven works at the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency as the Long Range and Transportation Planning Department manager. Nick serves on multiple national committees related to land use and transportation planning and infrastructure. He has extensive experience with long-range planning, capital infrastructure planning, budgeting, and funding.
Notable quotes:“My experience in policy development, collaboration, partnership building, communication, and financial grant management prepares me to be an effective member of the STPUD Board of Directors.” (Source: SouthTahoeNow)
“I applaud the efforts of the District to advance a renewable energy production and new efficient technology to drive down operating costs and reliability. As the largest user of electricity in South Lake Tahoe, these investments, while costly upfront, should have a long-term return for the South Tahoe Public Utility District.” (Source: Haven4Stpud)
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