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No Parking on Coast Road starts 9/13/24.
Beginning Friday, September 13, 2024, a No Parking rule goes into effect on Coast Road at Bixby Bridge along Highway 1. Illegally parked cars are subject to fines and towing. This week, County con...
Community Emergency Response Volunteers
Listed under: Public Safety Resilience Community Service & Support
On April 18, Marilee Diaz was selected by the City Council to serve out the remainder of former Councilmember Kim Cruz’s tenure. Diaz will serve on the council until Dec. 31, 2024. Three other candidates also applied for the position.
Monterey County Weekly reported on the council’s action, describing Diaz as “a resident of Sand City for more than 20 years and who has nearly 25 years of office management and bookkeeping experience. Before that, she was a sergeant at Fort Ord.”
In a statement of interest filed prior to the vote, Diaz wrote that she has a commitment to public service and a passion for improving Sand City: “There is so much potential for Sand City to increase beauty and functionality for all residents, business and visitors.”
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