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Monterey County Crime & Justice Articles

Image caption: Gavin Newsom (l) has lashed out at Florida Gov. and GOP Presidential candidate Ron DeSantis (r).
Newsom Wants DeSantis Charged With Kidnapping Migrants

‘You small, pathetic man,’ Gavin Newsom wrote in a Twitter post suggesting he’d pursue criminal charges against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis over recent migrant flights to Sacramento.

Image caption:
What Happens to a Town When its Prison Closes?

California is unwinding the prison-building boom of the 1980s and 1990s. The cuts are falling on small towns that banked on government jobs to anchor their communities.

Image caption: How many innocent people have been executed? There is no way to know for sure.
Death Penalty Mistakes: When the State Kills the Innocent

More than 4 percent of death penalty convicts have been wrongfully convicted, data shows. But courts including the U.S. Supreme Court have failed to provide protections for the innocent facing death at the hands of the state.

Salinas Valley Tribune logo LOCAL NEWS
Greenfield welcomes six new officers

GREENFIELD — Five new police officers and one community service officer, all bilingual speakers, have joined the Greenfield Police Department. Officers Damian Ayala, Daniel Lopez and Michael Ramirez are recent graduates from the police academy, and Officers Antonio Jardines and …

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
The county Coroner’s Office is hamstrung by budget-related staffing issues, grand jury finds.

The Monterey County Civil Grand Jury has released a new report on the county Coroner’s Office, finding issues with insufficient staffing and inefficient workflows resulting in autopsy reports often taking more than six months to complete.

Image caption: The death chamber inside San Quentin. Gov. Newsom has ordered the facility dismantled.
Is California’s Death Penalty Finally Dead?

The death penalty remains legal in California, but Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered a moratorium on executions in 2019. Will capital punishment end in the state? Here’s what’s happening.

King City Rustler logo LOCAL NEWS
King City woman who killed teen in 2013 granted parole

KING CITY — California Board of Parole Hearings has granted parole and a future release date to Angela Zuniga, who was convicted of second-degree murder of a Salinas teenager in 2013. Zuniga, of King City, was 21 years old at …

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
Seaside police launch Lights On! program to cut back on non-public safety tickets.

There are serious efforts being made to cut back on the number of non-public safety tickets police give out. In Seaside alone, about 50 tickets are written for broken tail lights or headlights each year.

King City Rustler logo LOCAL NEWS
King City welcomes new police leadership team

KING CITY — Police chiefs of King City’s past, Keith Boyd and Robert Masterson, gathered with the town’s newest Chief of Police James Hunt during his swearing-in ceremony May 9 inside the Council Chambers. Hunt took over the position from …

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
Salinas City Council votes unanimously to repeal cruising ban.

With applause and cheers, dozens of people celebrated a unanimous vote on Tuesday, May 16 by Salinas City Council to repeal a ban on cruising on city streets.

Image caption: The California Supreme Court has defined the state’s legal and political agenda for more than 170 years.
How the California Supreme Court Blazes Legal Trails

The California Supreme Court has kept the state at the forefront of legal issues surrounding abortion, the death penalty and same-sex marriage, starting in its earliest days in the Gold Rush era.

King City Rustler logo LOCAL NEWS
Monterey law firm opens new office in King City

KING CITY — Monterey law firm Fenton & Keller has opened a new law office in King City, led by attorney John E. Kesecker, following a soft opening on May 1, with plans for an official opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony …

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
An event in Seaside highlights the mostly hidden crisis of missing Indigenous women.

Just yesterday, Weekly Editor Sara Rubin wrote in this newsletter about the incredible 10-year journey of Matika Wilbur, an Indigenous woman from the Swinomish and Tulalip tribes of coastal Washington who set out across America to document the stories of…

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
Seaside Police Department will launch a program to pay for vehicle repairs in lieu of tickets.

On July 6, 2016, Police Officer Jeronimo Yanez pulled over 32-year-old Philando Castile for a broken taillight near Minneapolis. The officer asked Castile for his license and registration; as he reached, Yanez shot and killed Castile.

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
Monterey County Jail is violating a settlement over living conditions, lawyers claim.

Lawyers representing Monterey County Jail inmates in a settlement over conditions claim that the jail’s health care provider is in violation of the terms of the agreement – and they are requesting to unseal redacted reports detailing the alleged failures.

Salinas Valley Tribune logo LOCAL NEWS
Greenfield appoints Mixer as new chief of police

GREENFIELD — Greenfield City Manager Paul Wood has appointed Capt. Guillermo “Bill” Mixer as chief of police for the City of Greenfield effective April 27. As police chief, Mixer will also serve as a member of the Greenfield Executive Team, …

Salinas Valley Tribune logo LOCAL NEWS
Photo | Gonzales welcomes new police officer

GONZALES — Officer Joshua Macias was sworn in as the newest member of the Gonzales Police Department by Chief Keith Wise on April 17. “Welcome on board Officer Macias,” the department said on social media.

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
Young rap star stabbed to death in Soledad prison.

The Correctional Training Facility in Soledad announced the death of Jaime Brugada Valdez, known in the rap industry as MoneySign Suede. MoneySign was stabbed to death in the shower in the evening of Tuesday, April 25, according to a statement…

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
Pacific Grove settles with former police officer at center of controversy.

The city of Pacific Grove has settled out of court a $1 million free speech lawsuit filed last year by former P.G. Police officer Michael Gonzalez. Under the agreement signed by Gonzalez and P.G. Assistant City Manager Tori Hannah on…

Image caption: Murder committed by strangers who don't know the victim remained relatively rare, data shows,
Is Crime Out of Control? What's the Reality?

Fears that violent crime is out of control on the streets of California cities rose after the murder of a well-known tech exec. But what are the facts and do they back up the rising moral panic about crime?


California cities switch to more inclusive, district-based elections system.
Voting Rights...the Final Frontier
Pushed by activists, cities move from at-large elections to district races.
Access to abortion in California is limited in many areas, though state laws protect a woman’s right to choose.
Abortion Rights in California, Explained
But even in California, access to abortion services in many areas remains limited.
The California mental health crisis is tied to both homelessness and rising crime.
UPDATE: California’s Mental Health Crisis: How We Got Here
The making of Gov. Newsom's plan to help get mentally ill Californians into treatment.
The cycle of crime and homelessness is escalating, but it doesn't have to be that way.
Homelessness and Crime in California: Even More Complex Than You Think
What causes the cycle of homelessness and crime, and how to stop it.
The California Supreme Court has defined the state’s legal and political agenda for more than 170 years.
How the California Supreme Court Blazes Legal Trails
From its beginnings in the Gold Rush, the state Supreme Court continues to define the state today.
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