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Monterey County Crime & Justice Articles

King City Rustler logo LOCAL NEWS
Dolan Fire arsonist sentenced to 24 years in prison

BIG SUR — A Monterey County judge has sentenced 31-year-old Ivan Gomez to 24 years in state prison for starting the Dolan Fire near Big Sur in 2020, which seriously injured a firefighter and destroyed multiple residences. Gomez, who had …

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
Murder trial testimony and a lawsuit allege frequent mishandling of evidence at Salinas Police Department.

Two employees who worked inside the evidence lab at the Salinas Police Department for more than two decades have alleged years of evidence mismanagement by a third-party forensics contractor. The former employees say carelessness from the contractor led to lost…

Image caption: The scene of the K Street shooting in downtown Sacramento, in which six people were killed.
Covering the Sacramento Mass Gang Shooting

Following the K-Street shooting, a freelance journalist's thoughts about reporting on the deadliest single episode of gun violence in Sacramento history.

Image caption: A California constitutional amendment protecting abortion rights is in the works.
Abortion Rights in California After SCOTUS Opinion

Abortion rights will remain protected, even expanded in California after the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, Gov. Gavin Newsom vows after a leaked SCOTUS opinion reveals the court plans to abolish the right to choose.

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
The race to be the county’s next top cop has drawn an eclectic cast of candidates.

In 2023, Monterey County will have a new sheriff in town. Incumbent Sheriff Steve Bernal announced in October that he would forgo a re-election bid after an embattled eight-year reign. The tension came to a head when the Board of…

Salinas Valley Tribune logo LOCAL NEWS
Gonzales police appoints new sergeant

GONZALES — Kip Bowen has been promoted to police sergeant with the Gonzales Police Department effective April 4. With more than 15 years of law enforcement experience, Bowen has served the public as a park ranger, deputy sheriff and police …

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
A new memorial outside the Salinas courthouse honors victims of crime.

Every year for the past 23 years, Monterey County prosecutors have invited family members and friends of victims of crime to memorialize their loved ones during National Crime Victims' Rights Week. Every year, a ceremony capping the week of outreach…

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
Monterey County’s next courthouse will be in Seaside’s Main Gate property, but questions remain.

After years of speculation, a question has been answered. An April 12 report from the state’s Judicial Council makes clear that the next location for a new courthouse in Monterey County will be in Seaside.

Image caption: Seemingly minor code violations can cost struggling homeowners thousands.
Code Violations and ‘Excessive Fines’: Californians Battle Cities

Code violations, even after they're fixed, can cost struggling homeowners their homes. Some have seen fees and fines into the six figures even after repairs. Here are some of the horror stories. But what can be done about it?

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
Appellate court resurrects defamation suit against sheriff candidate Joe Moses.

As the 2018 sheriff’s race was heating up between incumbent Sheriff Steve Bernal and his opponent, sheriff’s deputy and Salinas City Councilmember Scott Davis, a trio of Bernal supporters within the force called a pair of press conferences to make…

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
Sexual assault investigator vacancies mean victims must travel out of county for exams.

It’s a worst case scenario for victims of sexual assault in Monterey County: Already traumatized by the assault, the victim must travel themselves or be ferried by a car service over one hour to Santa Clara Valley Medical Center in…

Image caption: Black Panthers at the California Capitol in 1967, an incident that sparked the gun control movement.
California Gun Control, Reagan, and the Black Panthers

The modern gun control movement started in California. Surprisingly, it was the work of Ronald Regan and the Black Panther Party. Here’s what happened.

King City Rustler logo LOCAL NEWS
Man found guilty of starting Dolan Fire, causing condor deaths

BIG SUR — A Monterey County judge has found 31-year-old Ivan Gomez guilty of starting the Big Sur Dolan Fire, which seriously injured a firefighter and destroyed multiple residences, as well as throwing rocks at a vehicle, cultivating marijuana and …

Image caption: The homeless is California are often afflicted with severe mental health issues.
Mental Health and the Homeless: Newsom’s CARE Court Plan

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s new CARE Court plan aims to get homeless Californians experiencing mental health problems into treatment and off the street. But can it actually work?

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
New state law brings transparency to local usage of military equipment by police.

The practice of local law enforcement agencies receiving military equipment from the U.S. Department of Defense is not new. What is new is a California Assembly Bill 481, signed into law last September, which requires agencies to adopt a military…

Salinas Valley Tribune logo LOCAL NEWS
Three new officers join Salinas Valley police departments

SALINAS VALLEY — Salinas Valley has gained three new police officers, Ulyses Fierros of Gonzales PD, Gretta Steinbruner of Soledad PD and Nicholas Nuñez of Greenfield PD, all of whom graduated from the South Bay Regional Police Academy on March …

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
A whistleblower lawsuit alleges a Salinas ag company illegally dumped chemicals into the sewage system.

What if, instead of properly disposing of hazardous chemicals like pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, one just dumped them down the drain?

Salinas Valley Tribune logo LOCAL NEWS
Mendoza appointed Gonzales police captain

GONZALES — Juan Mendoza has been appointed to the position of police captain with the Gonzales Police Department, announced Gonzales Police Chief Keith Wise on March 7. Mendoza, a 15-year veteran of the police department, began his career with Gonzales …

Image caption: Want to know more about California? These podcasts are a great place to start.
Golden State Podcasts

Travel, food, true crime politics—there’s a show for everyone. Here are some top-rated podcasts that focus on some aspect of California culture.

Image caption: Businesses in California must adapt to a slate of new laws in 2022.
5 New California Laws That Change How Business Does Business

California put hundreds of new laws into effect for 2022. Here are 5 that will change how business operates in the state.


California cities switch to more inclusive, district-based elections system.
Voting Rights...the Final Frontier
Pushed by activists, cities move from at-large elections to district races.
Access to abortion in California is limited in many areas, though state laws protect a woman’s right to choose.
Abortion Rights in California, Explained
But even in California, access to abortion services in many areas remains limited.
The California mental health crisis is tied to both homelessness and rising crime.
UPDATE: California’s Mental Health Crisis: How We Got Here
The making of Gov. Newsom's plan to help get mentally ill Californians into treatment.
The cycle of crime and homelessness is escalating, but it doesn't have to be that way.
Homelessness and Crime in California: Even More Complex Than You Think
What causes the cycle of homelessness and crime, and how to stop it.
The California Supreme Court has defined the state’s legal and political agenda for more than 170 years.
How the California Supreme Court Blazes Legal Trails
From its beginnings in the Gold Rush, the state Supreme Court continues to define the state today.
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