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Soccer in San Jose
Visit San Jose has just released a video promoting soccer in San Jose. It's only 90 seconds long, and highlights tailgating, PayPal Park, and our awesome Earthquakes fanbase. Enjoy it embedded below.
Gilroy Historical Society
Listed under: History
A prosperous economy, an educated populace and a scenic backdrop make Palo Alto a desirable place to live—so much so that housing and growth are hot-button issues on the Palo Alto City Council, where “residentialist” candidates square off against pro-growth candidates—both those who support commercial development and those who are pushing for more middle- and low-income housing. With passions running high, Palo Alto has become one of the most expensive cities to run for council, as demonstrated in a report by MapLight, a nonpartisan group that studies the influence of money in politics.
Councilmembers serve the city at large rather than representing a geographic district. Meetings are cablecast live on Government Channel 26 or 29 and broadcast via KZSU Radio, 90.1 FM.
Planning and Transportation Commission meetings are held on the second and last Wednesdays of the month at 6 p.m. Participate in person at City Hall (Council Chambers and Community Meeting Room) and virtually.
From Mountain View Voice...
From San Jose Spotlight...
Concerned about the health and environmental impacts of synthetic turf, Palo Alto has halted its plans to resurface the playing fields at El Camino Park as it weighs the costs and benefits of plastic and grass.
From Palo Alto Online...
Facing criticism from downtown merchants, Palo Alto is preparing to drop a policy that allows restaurants to extend their dining areas into adjacent properties, even without consent from neighbors.
City of Palo Alto
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