Picture of Bryan Mekechuk

Councilmember Bryan Mekechuk


(408) 354-7635


Prior to being elected to the Monte Sereno City Council, Bryan Mekechuk served on Silicon Valley Clean Energy’s Customer Program Advisory Group and on Monte Sereno’s Site & Architectural Commission. According to his official page, the newly elected councilmember “looks forward to meeting and hearing from Monte Sereno residents on a phone/Zoom call, over a coffee, or on a mountain bike ride.”

First elected: November 3, 2020

Day job: Partner at Sereno Management Consulting

Alma maters: Ivey Business School at University of Western Ontario (MBA); University of Alberta (bachelor’s degree, business administration)

Board and committee assignments:
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Policy Advisory Committee
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority's State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board
Santa Clara Valley Water District Commission
West Valley Clean Water Board
West Valley Solid Waste/Recycling Joint Powers Authority

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