How serene is life in tiny Monte Sereno? Pretty quiet, given that the city has no commercial zones and its fewer than 3,500 residents live almost entirely in single-family housing (median home value: $2 million). It shares a ZIP code with Los Gatos, and also contracts with its neighbor for some municipal services.

Image for City of Monte Sereno City Council

City Council

Monte Sereno’s five-member elected city council collaborates with an appointed local government administrator, the city manager, who oversees the city’s day-to-day administrative operations. Twice-monthly council meetings are open to the public and streamed live.

Image for City of Monte Sereno Site and Architectural Commission

Site and Architectural Commission

TheSite and Architectural Commission reviews and regulates structures and sites to ensure that they comply with Monte Sereno’s Municipal Code and Residential Design Guidelines. The commission meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m.

Recent Announcements

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Home Hardening Strategies and Wildfire Preparedness Town Hall

You are invited to attend a virtual town hall meeting focused on home hardening strategies and wildfire preparation.

Storm Drains

Report spills or illegal discharges into West Valley storm drains at (408) 354-5385 or

Sandbag Distribution Sites

Monte Sereno residents may fill free sand bags at 41 Miles Ave. at the Balzer Field Parking Lot in Los Gatos. Bring a shovel and assistance for loading heavy bags. Bags and sand are available anytime at the lot.

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