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Farmworker communities disrupt public hearing over racist pesticide regulation
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) January 16 public hearing in Salinas on its draft regulation of cancer-causing 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) was interrupted by more than a dozen protest...
Santa Cruz Baroque Festival
Listed under: Art, Culture & Media
From Santa Cruz Local...
Shebreh Kalantari-Johnson takes lead in early election results.
From The Pajaronian...
Early returns late Tuesday night show Jimmy Dutra ahead of his two opponents, with 47% of the vote, while Felipe Hernandez trails with 34% in the race for the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors District 4 seat. Ed Acosta, meanwhile, is in third with 14%.   Dutra and Hernandez are separated by 218 votes, according [...]
From Santa Cruz County Sentinel...
From Lookout Local...
How the voting went on Measures B, C, E and F.
From Press Banner...
“Future Agenda Items” is usually one of the least contentious portions of a council meeting. But on May 18, Councilmember Derek Timm proposed looking at raising the Pride Flag.
Scotts Valley has been looking to take action since 2020 to keep youth from smoking, but the push stalled out during the pandemic.
From Good Times...
From Transient Occupancy Tax (Measure B) to one of the county’s most contentious issues in years (Measure D).
Westside winery event led to money questions.
Union organizer Joe Thompson—the 19-year-old running for Assembly District 28—is fresh off the news that his push to unionize the first Starbucks stores in California was successful.
From Associated Press Sacramento...
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