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Sunday 4/6: California Wildlife Day 2025
Palo Corona Regional Park, 4860 Carmel Valley Rd, Carmel-by-the-Sea
Santa Cruz Works
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From Santa Cruz County Sentinel...
From Santa Cruz Local...
The City Council questions costs of the proposed tax on vacant homes.
From The Pajaronian...
Watsonville City Council members gave themselves a nominal pay increase last week that sparked a discussion about how their compensation limits who runs for office.
From Good Times...
Assembly candidate Gail Pellerin: “Make no mistake, we are living in two Americas—one that respects a woman’s right to abortion, and the other that sees the womb as a crime scene.”
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY—As votes continue to be added to the county’s election results, the outcomes of local races and measures has remained unchanged: four Supervisor candidates are headed to a November runoff, three measures passed with a wide margin while Measure F—a half-cent sales tax in the City of Santa Cruz—appears to be failing with [...]
From California Local...
National media calls election results a sign state is swinging right—but that's misleading.
From Lookout Local...
From Press Banner...
A rainbow flag was waving above Scotts Valley City Hall—the culmination of a year of work on a ceremonial flag policy. Still, a surprise political tactic threatened to derail its adoption.
Half of the ballots have been counted—the runoff race has begun
Early results suggest staggering defeat for controversial ‘Greenway Initiative.’
A three-way race in the 28th Assembly District had candidates swapping places throughout election night, with Gail Pellerin rising as more precincts reported in.
Voters choose a future with trail—and rail.
June is Pride Month, a time dedicated to achieving equality for LGBTQ+ Americans. Among the participants in Santa Cruz Pride’s annual parade were members of Pajaro Valley Pride.
From San Lorenzo Valley Post...
The Measure D Greenway Initiative sits at 8,580 “yes” votes and 21,021 “no.” Votes will continue to be counted, with a final certification in early July. But these results bode well for Roaring Camp Railroads.
Rail-trail ballot measure appears short of majority in early returns
Felipe Hernandez, Jimmy Dutra, Ed Acosta square off.
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