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Weekly Review September 8 – 14
This Weekly Review features public meetings as of the time of publication, September 7 at 11:00 am. Meeting status changes will be updated as they are announced throughout the week, here on the Sa...
Nonprofit Connection Santa Cruz County
Listed under: Community Service & Support
Justin Cummings said public service is in his blood, having watched his mother serve as a public health nutritionist and his father serve as a public defender in Chicago. When he was elected as mayor of Santa Cruz in December 2019, he became the first black man to serve as mayor in Santa Cruz history. He came to Santa Cruz to pursue a Ph.D. in ecology and evolutionary biology from UC Santa Cruz. Having successfully obtained the degree, he transitioned to working for the Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program, which sought to help college students from diverse backgrounds become future leaders in the conservation movement. He first ran for council in 2018 and promised to represent working-class voices.
First elected: Nov. 6, 2018
Day job: Drone operator and environmental sensor technician at UC Santa Cruz
Alma maters: UC Santa Cruz (Ph.D., ecology and environment); Eastern Illinois University (bachelor’s degree, Spanish literature and language, biology)
Notable quote: “We deserve a City Council that works for the many, not the few.”
City Council CommitteesPublic Safety CommitteeCouncil Ad Hoc Revenue CommitteeExternal AssignmentsAssociation of Monterey Bay Area GovernmentsClimate Action Task ForceLocal Agency Formation Commission (Santa Cruz holds the city seat through May 2022)Measure U Implementation Working GroupSanta Cruz County Integrated Waste Management Local Task ForceSanta Cruz Mid-County Groundwater Agency
From Good Times...
The Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors unanimously appointed Justin Cummmings as this year’s board chair, and Felipe Hernandez as vice chair.
Justin Cummings declares victory after unlikely comeback.
From Lookout Local...
A victory would mark the Santa Cruz City Council rep’s second unlikely comeback.
Conclusion of the race will mark historic moment for Santa Cruz County politics.
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