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From Elk Grove News Net...
From Carmichael Times...
SMUD’s Board of Directors elected Director Gregg Fishman as president of the board. His term as president runs from January through December.
From Folsom Times...
The Sacramento Municipal Utility District Board of Directors is ushering in a new era of leadership with the election of Gregg Fishman as President and Dave Tamayo as Vice President. Their terms will span from January to December 2025, marking a period of continued innovation and commitment to clean energy for the community-owned electric service provider.
From West Sacramento Sun...
The names of customers and vendors who have not yet cashed checks dated Sept. 30, 2021 or earlier are now available on smud.org.
The pesky winds that swept through the area let up just in time for visitors to enjoy a perfect day beneath sunny skies at the 11th annual Electricity Fair Saturday morning and early afternoon at the Folsom Powerhouse State Historic Park in Historic Folsom.
Tree-lovers last week came out of the woodwork to augment the natural canopy in a local park.The Caring Tree Project was supported by Carmichael Kiwanis Club, the Tree Foundation, the Coalition for Clean Air and SMUD.The effort centered on Valley Oaks Park, a Mission Oaks Park District property on Eastern Avenue. Suitably, trees planted were live oaks, non-deciduous natives that will provide shade, clean air and animal habitat.
On Sept. 26, Business Environmental Resource Center , a division of the Sacramento County Office of Economic Development presented the 18th Annual Sustainable Business Awards in partnership with the Sacramento Municipal Utility District.
SMUD has partnered with the UC Davis Center for Neuroscience to offer students from Sacramento the opportunity to explore the region's largest science museum, the SMUD Museum of Science and Curiosity (MOSAC), through a special field trip program.
The Sacramento Municipal Utility District has unveiled plans for a significant new facility in Folsom, signaling a major investment in the region's infrastructure. The proposed $145 million project will bring a 100,000-square-foot administrative operations center, along with a 100-foot-tall communications tower, to a 5-acre site near the American River.
From Auburn Journal...
In their February 27th meeting, the Placer County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a 1,170-acre solar panel facility that will provide power to Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) customers in west Placer County.
General Manager Paul Lau has named Scott Martin as the new chief financial officer for the Sacramento Municipal Utility District.
From Sacramento News and Review...
Critics see carbon capture and storage as a high-tech Band-Aid prolonging fossil fuel use. Proponents argue considering all strategies, given the urgency of the climate crisis.
From Citrus Heights Sentinel...
As the head of Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Paul Lau leads the sixth-largest community electric utility in the nation.
From The Sacramento Bee...
From Comstock's Magazine...
From Sacramento News & Review...
From CapRadio...
From KCRA NBC 3...
From Mountain Democrat...
From Silicon Valley Business Journal...
From Georgetown Gazette...
From The Grapevine Independent...
From American River Messenger...
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