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Top 10 Vegan Items at the Co-op
Golden Empire Council
Listed under: Education Families & Children Parks & Recreation
From Winters Express...
Applications Open for Fall OneCreek Seasonal Restoration Technician Program
Applications are being accepted for paid part-time positions with the Putah Creek Council’s OneCreek Seasonal Restoration Technician Program.
From CapPublicRadio...
Local Youth Demonstrate for Climate in Downtown Sacramento
Dozens of young people held a demonstration on August 17 in downtown Sacramento to protest the banking industry's contribution to the escalating effects of climate change.
What does it mean when firefighters call a fire "contained?" Here's a brief guide to commonly used fire prevention terminology.
Learn what's getting into Californians’ lungs and why it matters.
Yolo Basin Foundation’s Discover the Flyway is seeking passionate volunteers to become docents and help inspire young minds through environmental educationOriginal article published at West Sacramento News-Ledger
The City of Davis has installed a free, solar mobile electric vehicle charger—the first of it's kind in the region, according to City officials.
As funds for climate change programs are cut, Democrats and environmentalists are pushing for a bond measure on the ballot to restore some funding.
The Northern Lights appeared in Northern and Central California Saturday night.
Heat pumps, an energy-efficient way to both heat and cool homes, are a necessary element of California's climate goal of net zero carbon emissions. Here's what they are, how they work, and how to get one.
Beavers create unburned islands where plants and animals can shelter from megafires, research has confirmed. A movement is afoot to reintroduce the rodents to the state's waterways.
Yolo County Department of Community Services’ Integrated Waste Management Division Teams up with SRCC to Preserve Natural BeautyOriginal article published at West Sacramento News-Ledger
By: Barbara Archer, City of Davis
Cache Creek Conservancy
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