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Volunteers Needed for ReadingPals Program
The Marcella Foundation is piloting a new Reading Pals Program at Tahoe Valley Elementary starting January 21, 2024, and they're looking for 8-10 volunteers to help tutor children and share the lo...
Contractors Association of Truckee Tahoe
Listed under: Business, Economy & Jobs Land Use & Development Housing
From Tahoe Daily Tribune...
As we move into summer and the vegetation dries out, the Tahoe Fire & Fuels Team would like the public to remember the importance of creating and maintaining defensible space.
In April 2024, the USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit in partnership with the Nevada Tahoe Conservation District, issued the final decision for restoration activities to restore the natural function of Burke Creek and Rabe Meadow.
From South Tahoe Now...
From Los Angeles Times...
The City of South Lake Tahoe is working to stay ahead of increasing wildfire concerns. "I personally feel that the Caldor Fire was a warning," Fire Marshal Kim George said to City Council on June 4 while presenting the city's first defensible space ordinance.
From Folsom Times...
Fire reportedly ignited by unattended homeless camp, one in custody
From The Sacramento Bee...
From CalMatters...
From Georgetown Gazette...
From Village Life...
Fire officials have announced the suspensions of burn permits across the areas of Sacramento and El Dorado Counties, as well as Amador and San Joaquin Counties.
From Mountain Democrat...
Designated city-owned open spaces with high fire potential are now off-limits in Folsom, according to an announcement from the Folsom Fire Department Wednesday afternoon.
Fire Chief expects to close open lands ahead, cites importance of defensible space
Across California, fire crews and managers are already preparing for fire season. Despite two years of average to above-average precipitation, USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region Fire Director, Jaime Gamboa, knows just how quickly wildfire season can take off.
Julie Gardner, who was born and raised in South Lake Tahoe, has recently taken over as CEO of California's most prominent employment social enterprise non-profits, Downtown Streets Team.
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