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Moss Landing Power Plant Fire last night
January 17, 2025, 5:58 a.m. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SETS EMERGENCY MEETING TO DEAL WITH MOSS LANDING FIRE Last night's disastrous fire at the Vistra battery storage facility at the Moss Landing power...
Max's Helping Paws Foundation
Listed under: Animals
On May 14, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced the May Revision includes a proposed budget allocation to assist the State in achieving its fire prevention and fire suppression goals.
As funds for climate change programs are cut, Democrats and environmentalists are pushing for a bond measure on the ballot to restore some funding.
The paved, two-lane portion of Highway 1 through Big Sur is an attraction unto itself. It’s also the artery that residents, employees, emergency responders and tourists use to get to and from the remote community. With access limited on all…
On May 9, staff from the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency presented its board a long-awaited study about the so-called Deep Aquifers, which have been increasingly mined in recent years as seawater intrusion marches inland toward the city of…
California voters narrowly passed Proposition 1, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s measure to fund mental health housing. He’s prodding counties to use the money quickly.
Big Sur just cannot catch a break. Sara Rubin here, thinking about many perfect scones I’ve enjoyed over the years on the rustic deck of the Big Sur Bakery. The beloved restaurant burned down in a kitchen fire on Friday…
SALINAS — Sun Street Centers recently hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for its new Recovery Center in Salinas.
Anthony Saua, director of Organic Rising, talks about the rise of organic agriculture and its importance to health, the environment and slowing global warming,
CENTRAL COAST — Despite significant progress since the release of a landmark 2018 farmworker housing study quantifying critically overcrowded housing conditions for agricultural workers in the region, thousands more homes are needed to relieve severe overcrowding, unaffordable rents and ensure …
For the past four years, All-In Monterey County has helped distribute food, clothing and more to thousands of residents every month. Its volunteers were deployed throughout Pajaro following flooding in 2023, helping disaster-stricken residents clear out the mud from their…
One scenic stretch of highway through Big Sur, four current blockage points.
SALINAS VALLEY — This Earth Month, Scheid Family Wines celebrates nearly seven years of being 100% powered by renewable wind energy.
In this program, State Senator John Laird and Executive Director of Consumer Watchdog, Carmen Balber discuss California's homeowner's insurance crisis and whether Commissioner Ricardo Lara's proposed fixes will actually help the flight of insurance companies from the state or make …
After calls came in from passing motorists, Caltrans officials arrived on Saturday afternoon, March 30, to find a chunk of Highway 1 missing from the road just south of Rocky Creek Bridge. They implemented a hard closure of the highway…
The Pajaro Assistance Center to aid people who were affected by the winter storms in 2023 will open on Wednesday, March 27 at Pajaro Park.
Beavers create unburned islands where plants and animals can shelter from megafires, research has confirmed. A movement is afoot to reintroduce the rodents to the state's waterways.
MONTEREY COUNTY — Monterey County’s Department of Emergency Management has announced the implementation of a cutting-edge Alert and Warning System designed to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents.
In January 2017, Monterey County was hit with an onslaught of storms, exacerbating damage in Big Sur and Carmel Valley from the 2016 Soberanes Fire, which left burn scars on 132,127 acres that were more prone to erosion and runoff.
The vision for Sand City’s Art Park was hatched during the height of the pandemic, when the community still wanted to socialize, but also stay outside and at a distance. Whether or not the term “social distancing” will stand the…
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