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Moss Landing Power Plant Fire last night
January 17, 2025, 5:58 a.m. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SETS EMERGENCY MEETING TO DEAL WITH MOSS LANDING FIRE Last night's disastrous fire at the Vistra battery storage facility at the Moss Landing power...
Salinas Valley Health Foundation
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Proceeding number A2207001 before the California Public Utilities Commission began on July 1, 2022 when California American Water filed an application to increase revenues from ratepayers. The utility company pitched a tiered plan: A $55.8 million increase in 2024 (18.7…
A very large, toothed marine mammal is hanging around our local waters more than we previously thought.
John Hunt is a collaborator at the California Marine Sanctuary Foundation and a research toxicologist at the University of California, Davis. For over 20 years he co-directed the Marine Pollution Studies Laboratory at Granite Canyon on the Big Sur Coast, …
When the state Sustainable Groundwater Management Act was signed into law in 2014, Monterey County already had a leg up, at least from a data perspective: Since 1995, the Monterey County Water Resources Agency has been tracking groundwater extraction amounts…
For Robert Mazurek, executive director of the California Marine Sanctuary Foundation, two things stand out for him as career milestones. The first was helping to launch the Seafood Watch program at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in the early 2000s.
Water woes on the Monterey Peninsula go back for decades. In 1995, the State Water Resources Control Board issued Order 95-10, declaring that California American Water was entitled to take only 3,376 acre-feet of water a year from the Carmel…
BRADLEY — County of Monterey Parks and Lakes Division, Environmental Health Bureau and Water Resources Agency staff reported Monday that data and testing results from water samples taken in the wake of a massive fish die-off at Lake San Antonio …
On Monday, July 22, the County of Monterey announced that Lake San Antonio, which the county Parks division closed on July 10, will reopen Wednesday, July 24 at 6am. The closure was related to a massive fish die-off, and out…
BRADLEY — Monterey County officials are closing Lake San Antonio to visitors Wednesday and asking all campers to vacate following a mass fish dieoff that county staff first noticed last week.
BRADLEY — A large number of fish were found dead at Lake San Antonio, in South Monterey County, the county’s spokesperson Maia Carroll said on Saturday.
The County of Monterey put out an unusual announcement today, as the Central Coast is in the throes of a heat wave.
When the sanitation district Monterey One Water began over a year ago to move from billing six times a year through a third-party contractor to twice a year through the Monterey County Tax Collector, other jurisdictions that have their own…
With recent reemergence of otter 841, the surfboard swiping sea critter raised in captivity, I'll be facilitating a panel conversation that includes several sea otter experts and the local photographer whose fateful photos went viral about a year ago.Otter …
A cost-saving plan to shift all of Monterey One Water's billing to collection through county property tax bills was killed just seven days before it was to go into effect, thanks to opposition from just two of the board's 10…
Soon, Monterey One Water customers will no longer receive a bill in the mail every other month.
On May 9, staff from the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency presented its board a long-awaited study about the so-called Deep Aquifers, which have been increasingly mined in recent years as seawater intrusion marches inland toward the city of…
SALINAS VALLEY — Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (SVBGSA) is hosting multiple workshops this spring to provide residents and businesses of the Salinas Valley with an opportunity to learn about water use and management in the region.
SALINAS — With financial impacts of Covid-19 felt by California Water Service (Cal Water) customers well past the height of the pandemic, Cal Water applied for and has received more than $83 million through the California Extended Water and Wastewater …
Humpback whales return to our waters just in time for Earth Day and WhaleFest in Pacifica, while whale watchers in Monterey Bay are seeing cetaceans in droves.
An effort toward a public takeover of the private water utility California American Water has taken years to get to this point. Activists asked voters to approve a ballot measure to that end in 2005, and it failed. They tried…
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