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Nevada County Local News: Local Governments

All Local Local Governments News articles contributed by our local media allies and other local newsrooms.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

As California public universities try to balance campus safety with students’ right to protest, community colleges are squaring off in court with students and staff who argue that the schools are violating their freedom of speech, explains CalMatters community college reporter Adam Echelman.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

History will — or at least should — see a $165 billion error in revenue estimates as one of California’s most boneheaded political acts.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

The nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office projects a $2 billion shortfall for 2025-26, but says the state can’t afford big new programs. Gov. Newsom has complained about attention on the office’s deficit estimates.

California Local Pin Marker From The Union...

Learn more about Grass Valley land owner obligations to keep the parcel compliant with the local fire code. It's never too early to plan and prepare for fire season.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

The California Voter Foundation launched a tool tracking daily vote counts in 18 close contests for Congress and the state Legislature. The tracker aims to show how counts change over time and dispel misinformation about election fraud, the group says.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

Gov. Newsom just bought a $9 million house in Marin County, but his sources of income haven’t been made public recently. He had pledged to release his tax returns.

California Local Pin Marker From The Union...

Get the latest details on the Nevada Street Bridge construction in Nevada City.

California Local Pin Marker From The Union...

In their November 19 meeting, the Grass Valley Measure B oversight committee approved funds to hire a Community Risk Reduction Manager. Read on to learn more about this new position.

California Local Pin Marker From YubaNet...

Learn more about the manual tally process of 1% of ballots to verify the vote count by the Nevada County Elections Department.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

Between the summer session of the California Legislature featuring hot topics like AI regulation and money for journalism, and a special one focusing on gas prices, powerful corporations poured in record-setting money to influence lawmakers.

California Local Pin Marker From The Union...

Read on for more information about plans to expand the Wolf Creek pedestrian and bicyclist trail in Grass Valley.

Sierra Sun logo From Sierra Sun...

Image for display with article titled Truckee Town Council Approves Changes to Affordable Housing in-Lieu Fee

Truckee Town Council exercised their gratitude muscles during their Tuesday, Nov. 12 meeting. To celebrate Gratitude Month, each council member picked an organization or person which exemplified the Truckee Way.

California Local Pin Marker From YubaNet...

Learn more about changes made to the Commercial Cannabis Ordinance in the November 12 meeting of the Nevada County Board of Supervisors.

California Local Pin Marker From YubaNet...

Learn how you can give your feedback about the Nevada County application for 'Prohousing' designation from the state and what that designation entails.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

More than 115,000 children in California were undocumented in the most recent census count, and it’s estimated almost half of California children have at least one immigrant parent.

Sierra Sun logo From Sierra Sun...

Image for display with article titled Truckee Donner PUD Board Approves 2023 Energy Resource Mix, Promotes Local Agency Collaboration

At Truckee Donner Public Utility District's Nov. 6 board of directors meeting, the board approved the submission of the 2023 Power Source Disclosure Report and Power Content Label, and approved agreements for leases in Truckee Regional Park to enable the development of the new Truckee Library and Rocker Memorial Skate Park.

California Local Pin Marker From YubaNet...

In their November 12 meeting, the Nevada County Board of Supervisors accepted a USDA Forest Service grant for vegetation removal. Click to get the details.

California Local Pin Marker From The Union...

Learn more about the Nevada County pilot program to convert biomass to biochar to reduce dangerous fuel load on county lands.

California Local Pin Marker From The Union...

Learn more about the California Office of Traffic Safety grant awarded to the Nevada County Consolidated Fire District for acquisition of new emergency services equipment.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

Trump has threatened new, higher tariffs on two of California’s biggest trade partners, China and Mexico. The state’s workers and economy could feel the most impact.
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