Image of Truckee Donner Public Utility District seal. 

Truckee Donner Public Utility District Overview

Overview     Board of Directors    News Articles & Digest    

Address:   11570 Donner Pass Rd, Truckee, CA 96161


The roots of the TDPUD begin with the Truckee Electric Company, which served a small number of people with electricity through the use of a water wheel on the Truckee River—until a drought made it necessary to purchase electricity from the Sierra Pacific Power Company. The district was incorporated in 1927 as the Truckee Public Utility District, and today it provides both electricity and water to an area of 45.5 square miles, running from the northern border just beyond Alder Creek Road, south to Placer County, and 11 miles from the western shore of Donner Lake eastward to the rim of Boca Dam and the Hirschdale community. The water supply comes from the Martis Valley, in the southeast portion of the district’s service territory.

To reach the TDPUD staff, visit the contact page.

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