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Peter Hernandez and his wife run the popular Ohana Shave Ice in downtown Hollister. Hernandez started his political career as a volunteer for the probabtion department, which led to a position as a Hollister School District trustee. Hernandez teamed up with two other probation officers to start the Juvenile Review Board. “I found myself being really engaged,” he said. “We had some awesome results, and it inspired me.” According to SanBenito.com, the District 3 supervisor states, “Many say small businesses are the livelihood of our economy. I would say businesses are made up of people, the heart of a community. Small businesses are ordinary people doing extraordinary things. They are the idea makers, the entrepreneurs.”
First elected: November 2018
Day job: Business owner, Ohana Shave Ice
Other offices held: Hollister School District Trustee (2014-2018)
Notable quote: “We want to grow in a way that we protect our community and we enhance the family identity and the uniqueness of who we are and even the uniqueness of our backyard, which I consider Pinnacles National Par) and Hollister Hills and the wine trail.” (Source: San Benito Live)
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