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Image for display with article titled San Benito Supervisors Persist in Effort to Gain Some Control Over Hazel Hawkins

County board passes an advisory measure seeking public input on the hospital.

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Image for display with article titled Supervisors Place Initiative in November Ballot

On July 23, the San Benito County Board of Supervisors on a 4-1 vote accepted the certification of the Empower Voters to Make Land Use Decisions Initiative and placed it on the ballot for the Nov. 5 election.

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Image for display with article titled Sheriff’s Department Partially Closes Second Jail Building

San Benito County corrections commander says the move is in response to a staffing shortage.

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Image for display with article titled New San Benito County Ordinance Expands Camping Access on Private Property

The San Benito County Supervisors on June 18 unanimously approved a low impact camping ordinance—a move that proponents say will allow rural landowners the chance to host small-scale camping on their properties.

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Image for display with article titled Civil Grand Jury Finds Dysfunction in Local Government

Foreman says unprofessional behavior extends beyond the well documented battles in the Hollister City Council.

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Image for display with article titled Supervisors Come Through for Rural Property Owners

After years of frustration, changes to San Benito County land use regulations will help owners of rangeland and other rural businesses prosper.

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Image for display with article titled Civil Grand Jury Says Lack of Funds Impairing Sheriff’s Department

The annual report on San Benito County agencies also looks at jail, a water district tax measure and a retiree fund.

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Image for display with article titled Supervisors Reverse Own Vote on Land Use Measure

In a controversial move, the San Benito County Board of Supervisors on June 25 rescinded its previous vote to put a slow growth initiative on the November ballot.

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Image for display with article titled Hollister Council Terminates 2 Fire Service Contracts

In a 4-1 vote the Hollister City Council on June 18 agreed to terminate the city’s fire services contracts with San Benito County and San Juan Bautista. According to council members, this is a move to raise the fees it charges for those services.

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Image for display with article titled San Benito High School Board Proposes $140 Million in Bonds for Second High School

The San Benito High School Board of Trustees on June 11 took the next step in establishing a second high school by voting unanimously to put two $70 million bonds on the Nov. 5 ballot.

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Image for display with article titled San Juan Bautista Asks for Input Into Planned Developments Outside City Limits

At their May 28 meeting, the San Juan Bautista Urban Growth Boundary Sphere of Influence Committee reviewed a draft memorandum of understanding with the San Benito Board of Supervisors which would allow the city to have input into proposed developments on county property outside both the city limits and its sphere of influence.

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Image for display with article titled SEIU Local Claims Negotiations With County “Successfully Concluded”

Deputy county CAO disputes union’s assertion says there is no final agreement.

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Image for display with article titled Manhunt Underway for Escaped San Benito County Jail Inmate

A multi-agency effort is underway to capture Daniel Lopez Zavala, who escaped San Benito County Jail on May 28 at 1:53 a.m.

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Image for display with article titled Land Use Initiative Gathers Sufficient Signatures

A proposed land-use initiative aiming to slow growth has gathered sufficient signatures and is now heading to the San Benito County Board of Supervisors.

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Image for display with article titled Hospital Board Keeps County Proposal on the Table

In a last-minute decision at their May 23 regular meeting, the San Benito County Health Care District voted to keep negotiating with Michigan-based Insight Foundation of America for a potential buyout, while also continuing to consider San Benito County’s proposal to keep Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital under local control.

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Image for display with article titled County to Host Summer Composting Workshop June 3 in Hollister

Learn how to turn your spoiled food, scraps and yard waste into rich, organic compost for your garden at a summer composting workshop on June 3.

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Image for display with article titled SB County Housing Element Out for Public Review

San Benito County has released its draft of the 2023-31 housing element and is seeking input from county residents during the month-long public review period.

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Image for display with article titled Supes to Commission Impact Report for ‘Empower Voters’ Initiative

The San Benito County Board of Supervisors voted this week to commision a report on the possible impacts of a new land use initiative expected to appear on the ballot in November.

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Image for display with article titled San Benito Supervisors Drop Potential Sales Tax Increase for Now

It would have applied to unincorporated areas of the county only.

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Image for display with article titled ‘Empower Voters’ Initiative Moving Toward November Ballot

Local proponents of an initiative that would put land use decisions in the hands of San Benito County voters are one step closer to placing it on the ballot for the Nov. 5 general election.

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Image for display with article titled San Benito County Aims to Overhaul Cannabis Tax Rates

Ad hoc committee of supervisors will recommend changes to ‘allow the free market to work.’

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Image for display with article titled SB County Gets State Grant to Fight Opioid Epidemic

The Tri County-Collaborative has received a state-funded grant to help in efforts to battle the ongoing opioid epidemic in the Central Coast region, the group announced this week in a press release.

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Image for display with article titled Elections Department Launches Interactive Search Tool

Residents can look up their local representatives by entering addresses.

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Image for display with article titled Despite Frustrations, County on Track to Meet Housing Needs

While San Benito County is on track to meet the state’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation, county officials are concerned about housing issues and lack of infrastructure.

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In their April 30 meeting, the San Benito County Board of Supervisors were updated on local road projects by Public Works, including the New Idria Road, which will be completed by the end of May.

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The San Benito County Council of Governments have received an $8.2 million grant for transportation infrastructure from the California Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program and Zero Emission Transit Capital Program.

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Image for display with article titled San Benito County Set to Update Animal Ordinance

San Benito County is inviting residents to participate in an update process for local Ordinance Title 13, which focuses on animals within the community.

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