13777 Fruitvale Ave, Saratoga, CA 95070
Serving many of the same functions as a traditional city planning department, the Community Development Department preserves the ambiance of Saratoga by ensuring the development follows the city’s General Plan. The department’s website provides residents with an interactive Geographic Information System map, which offers a wealth of detail about city zoning, hazard areas, and service districts.
The Planning Division is the first stop for property owners who seek to remodel, rebuild, or construct a new building. They'll also interact with the Building Division, which administers California Building Code requirements, though plan-checking, permits, and on-site inspections.
The Code Compliance Division follows up on citizen complaints regarding such issues as noise standards, weed abatement, and problems with short-term rentals. The division also issues event permits and solicitor/peddler permits.
As befits this verdant city, there’s also the Trees Division, which protects Saratoga’s Heritage Tree Inventory. (Getting a tree listed, however, is one task of the citizen-led Heritage Preservation Commission.)