Women's Commission


• Phone: (831) 454-2772; fax: (831) 454-2411

The Santa Cruz County Women's Commission works to expand possibilities for women and girls and advocate for empowerment and equality. The commission advise the Board of Supervisors and serves women and girls in Santa Cruz County by providing a place for women to express community concerns, collaborate on community action, and find opportunities for leadership development and service. The ten commissioners, appointed by the county supervisors, take an active role in advancing local, state, and federal legislation that positively affects women and their families.

The Commission reviews and makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on various matters, including Equal Employment Opportunity issues that affect women, employment opportunities for women in the county and barriers to equal employment and equal pay. To receive information about activities and meetings, send an email with “Add Me to the Women's Commission Email List” in the subject line. Or follow the commission on Facebook.

Meetings are generally held on the third Thursday of the month except July and December at 6:30 p.m. in the County Government Building unless held remotely.