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Monday 1/20: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Salinas
Old County Jail, 142 W. Alisal St.
Downtown Association of Santa Cruz
Listed under: Business, Economy & Jobs
The Housing Advisory Commission provides input to the Board of Supervisors on housing policy and confers with the board and the Planning Commission on matters relating to the housing element of the General Plan. Commissioners study housing needs in Santa Cruz County, and may conduct public hearings on housing problems and potential solutions. The Commission may also study, review and make recommendations on private housing programs.
The commission consists of 10 residents of the county who are appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Each supervisor nominates two appointees; whenever possible, nominees should be individuals who have knowledge about housing problems, and be members of the following groups: senior citizens, students, farmworkers, low-income families, ethnic minorities, realtors, construction workers, or educators. Commissioners serve four-year terms.
The HAC holds regular meetings generally at 1:00 pm on the first Wednesday of each odd-numbered month of the year (January, March, May, etc.)
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