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Emergency Management Council


The Emergency Management Council advises the Board of Supervisors on emergency and mutual aid plans and agreements, including plans for the protection of persons and property within this county in the event of an emergency; the coordination of county emergency functions with other entities; and the abatement of public nuisances constituting a threat to the public health and safety. The Office of Emergency Services provides staff support and clerical services to the Council.

The Emergency Management Council consists of the following county officials (or their designees): the emergency services administrator, sheriff-coroner, public works director, planning director, area fire coordinator, Emergency Medical Services program representative, and the human services director.

Other members are appointed by the board of supervisors as representatives of the following agencies: UC Santa Cruz, Amateur Radio (RACES), the local chapter of the American Red Cross, the local Emergency Communications Committee for Monterey Bay, the Medical Society of Santa Cruz County, Dominican Santa Cruz Hospital, the County Office of Education, Watsonville Community Hospital, and  each incorporated city. And finaally, each supervisor appoints one at-large community member who represents a local volunteer effort related to disaster planning.

Meetings are held at 2 p.m. on the first Thursday of every odd month, excluding July, at 5200 Soquel Ave.

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