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In Memory Of
Helen Stuart August 19, 1926 - February 19, 2024
Mountaineer Transit Company
Listed under: Transportation
A classic outdoors magazine relaunches in a new format with superior graphic punch.
Galina Barskaya Shutterstock.com
A haven for “offbeat literary dirtbags,” as Moonlight Ink reporter Sage Sauerbrey puts it, the Mountain Gazette (founded in 1966) once carried contributions from the likes of Hunter Thompson and Edward Abbey. The publication died and came back from the grave several times over the decades. This Gazette never had robust financial health. In Moonshine Ink’s piece on the Gazette, Sauerbrey notes that Abbey (The Monkey Wrench Gang, Desert Solitaire) usually sent checks to the editor when submitting a piece, rather than the customary other way around.
The Mountain Gazette’s newest owner is Mike Rogge, a veteran of Powder Magazine, Vice Sports, and the Ski Journal. Rogge is relaunching this month with a new Gazette that offers superior graphic punch; the revived publication will be printed in 11-inch-by-17-inch issues to show off the pictorials of mountain scenery. But it won’t be all about the elk and the snow. Notes Sauerbrey, “Another upcoming feature will take a look at the country’s houseless people—who by nature spend more time outside than anybody.”
Read more on MoonshineInk.com: “Going Higher.”
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