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In Memory Of
Helen Stuart August 19, 1926 - February 19, 2024
Mountaineer Transit Company
Listed under: Transportation
What does it mean when firefighters call a fire "contained?" Here's a brief guide to commonly used fire prevention terminology.
Learn what's getting into Californians’ lungs and why it matters.
California wildfires are becoming larger, more frequent and more ferocious. ‘Malibu Burning’ author Robert Kerbeck shares simple steps you can take to protect your home.
This year, a series of extreme events in California and around the country have wreaked havoc, driven by climate change. How prepared are we for things to get worse?
By channeling funds to a number of nonprofits working on various issues in a given region, community foundations help solve big problems throughout California.
2023’s torrential rainstorms have eased California's drought conditions. But there’s a lot more to drought than the amount of rain, and this drought isn't over yet.
Fires, floods, earthquakes—California’s got it all. And CERT volunteers are ready to step in.
As California insurance companies have revoked the fire policies of thousands of homeowners, the state has taken steps to get them covered again.
Making it through the earthquake is the easy part. The hard part is surviving in the chaos that follows.
The climate change era has created a whole new set of terms for a wide variety of storms and other weather phenomena. Here are some of the most important.
California residents can turn to these public and private entities to help prepare for wildfires and protect their property.
From Sierra Sun...
In an effort to reduce wildfire risk in North Lake Tahoe, the Placer County Board of Supervisors on September 10 approved a $145,491 contract award to Bella Wildfire & Forestry Inc. to fund vegetation management and fuel load reduction work on 18 acres in Tahoe Vista.
From CalMatters...
Placer County is now the top-ranked county in the United States and California for the number of communities participating in the Firewise USA program.
From Tahoe Daily Tribune...
Tahoe Fire & Fuels Team forest thinning projects are underway and scheduled to continue for the next several weeks, conditions and weather permitting. Some projects are expected to continue through the fall.
Update at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 3: The Bear Fire in Sierra County has grown to 1,578 acres and is still 0% contained.
From https://www.sacbee.com/news/california/fires/article291844345.html...
The recent installment of two new ALERTWildfire cameras in the Serene Lakes area west of Donner Lake is providing more eyes on wildfire in the Tahoe basin.
The Truckee Town Council met on Tuesday, Aug. 27, to discuss the evacuation exercise after-action report and improvement plan.
With the increasing frequency and intensity of wildfires in recent years, prepping your home for wildfire threats has become more critical than ever.
As we head into another fire season, I am proud of our team for all they have done to further our objective of Emergency Preparedness.
Community members are invited to participate in a free Firewise USA Program workshop Aug. 28 at 3 p.m., in-person in North Auburn or via Zoom.
As residents and visitors are well aware – the peak of wildfire season is upon us. To help us all stay safe, a number of fire mitigation projects are currently underway funded by a generous commitment from the Truckee Tahoe Airport District which demonstrates their focus on sustainability and environmental concerns.
The Placer County Board of Supervisors today expanded eligibility for the Eastern Placer Defensible Space Fuels Reduction Program, making it easier for residents to access critical wildfire prevention funds.
From Tahoe Guide...
Microplastics, wildfire smoke, changes in temperature, vast swings in lake clarity from winter to summer, and an increase in rain-on-snow events caused by long-term changes in the climate highlight the annual State of the Lake Report, released on Aug. 8 from the Tahoe Environmental Research Center.
Following the Pass Fire in Truckee, as well as Sunday's wildfire safety power outage caused by the Gold Ranch Fire in Verdi, Truckee Donner Public Utility District urges customers to prepare for the possibility of prolonged power outages during wildfire season.
The League to Save Lake Tahoe recently released its findings from July 5 beach cleanups compiled over the last 11 years revealing that 60 percent of the trash collected is plastic, according to a press release.
Divers are currently assessing the status of New Zealand mudsnail populations once again after almost one year from their initial discovery in Lake Tahoe.
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