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Two weeks of full overnight closures coming starting 9/22/24, including a weekend
Date: Monday, September 16, 2024 District: 05 – Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties Contact: Kevin Drabinski or Genelle Padilla Phone: (805) 549-3138or(80...
Nonprofit Alliance of Monterey County
Listed under: Community Service & Support
(831) 674-5591
A lifelong resident and an active member of the community, Rachel Ortiz was elected as councilmember for District 3 in the November 2022 election.
In her candidate statement, Ortiz says she hopes to use her experience as a business owner, along with her accounting background, as a link to help members of the community gain a more insightful understanding of the city’s finances and other official business.
Notable quote: “I am very fortunate to work with several nonprofit organizations and large businesses throughout Monterey County. This has taught me that through positive actions, willingness to listen and collaboration, common goals for the betterment of our community and businesses are attainable.” (Source: Candidate statement)
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