Police Department


1215 Lincoln Way, Auburn, CA 95603

Main phone: (530) 823-4237; fax: (530) 823-4224
Non-Emergency Police Dispatch: (530) 823-4234
Animal Control: (530) 823-4237, ext. 211
Code Enforcement Officer 530-823-4237, ext. 209
Records Division (530) 823-4237, ext. 501

The Auburn Police Department has been led by Chief of Police Ryan Kinnan since 2018. Kinnan’s tenure has brought a number of innovations to the department. In 2020, the department created the Police Chief’s Community Advisory Board, which will draw together members with a range of interests and professions including business, education, faith-based communities, non-profit organizations, public relations, and youth organizations.  

Also in 2020, the department switched over to a computer aided dispatch and records management system, which is designed to will improve effectiveness and efficiency.

The Admnistrative Division functions include Investigations and Property and Evidence. The Operations Division handles traffic enforcement and the Neighborhood Officer Program, which divides Auburn into 17 reporting districts with patrol officers each assigned two districts.