City Council


1225 Lincoln Way, Auburn, CA 95603

(530) 823-4211

Auburn is governed by a five-member, elected City Council that establishes overall policies for the city. Each year, the council selects the mayor and vice mayor. The mayor presides at council meetings, appoints councilmembers to internal and external committees, and attends community events as the council's representative. The vice mayor presides in the mayor's absence. Together, the mayor and council appoint the city manager, city attorney, and commission and committee members.

Meetings: Meetings are held in the City Council Chambers at 1225 Lincoln Way on the second and fourth Monday of the month at 6 p.m.
Picture of Sandra Amara

Mayor Sandra Amara

(530) 823-4211, ext 384

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Past Members

Picture of Matt Spokely
Matt Spokely
Term ended: Nov. 30, 2022
Picture of Daniel Berlant
Daniel Berlant
Term ended: Nov. 30, 2026
Picture of Michelle Sierra-Sammons
Michelle Sierra-Sammons
Term ended: Nov. 30, 2024