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In Memory Of
Helen Stuart August 19, 1926 - February 19, 2024
Sierra Watershed Education Partnerships
Listed under: Environment
From CalMatters...
From CapPublicRadio...
From The Mercury News...
From Tahoe Daily Tribune...
With support from the Tahoe Fund and Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation, every local fire agency in the Tahoe Basin now has access to Fire Aside, a software platform that makes defensible space and home hardening evaluations significantly faster to carry out, and risk mitigation recommendations easier for residents to implement.
At its regular meeting on May 21, 2024, the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors proclaimed the period of May through October 2024 as Wildfire Awareness Season as a call for residents in El Dorado County to prepare for wildfire.
The South Lake Tahoe City Council unanimously voted in favor of preparing an informational report on the impacts of the vacancy tax measure hitting ballots in November.
From Sierra Sun...
The Truckee Town Council met on Tuesday, May 14, to discuss the proposed housing program guidelines for the Rooted Renters Pilot Program.
Summer is here and the snow is melting. Prepare for wildfire season and sign up for defensible space evaluations and curbside chipping services. For more information on these services and to register online, visit www.nltfpd.org.
City Council passed a motion on May 7, providing a predevelopment loan to a developer for an affordable housing project, plans of which rely on changes to area developmental standards currently caught up in litigation.
From California Local...
Unless California solves its housing crisis, the state will lose more congressional seats and could shift the political alignment of the whole country
City staff provided a quarterly update on its affordable housing waitlist at City Council on Tuesday, April 23. The waitlist has dropped from 1,173 to 1,008 since the last update, a drop of 65.
The City of South Lake Tahoe was awarded the State Prohousing Designation for efforts to encourage development of housing at all income levels.
A red, white, and blue clad Uncle Sam has jumped into efforts opposing the vacancy tax, waiving a rally sign, followed by a newly launched website from a recently formed coalition advocating against the tax and other measures.
Up to $150,000 is again available to eastern Placer workers looking to buy a home in the North Lake Tahoe region.
Signs of springtime are in the air even though snow is still on the ground and spring cleaning inside and outside is typical for Tahoe. That means getting homes ready for the summer by creating or cleaning up defensible space around the home.
The Town of Truckee is launching a $50,000 dollar rebate program to encourage responsible outdoor lighting and to facilitate a switch to new fixtures for homeowners and business owners.
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