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State of California Government News Digest

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CA Cities and Counties Ignoring Mandate to Monitor Homeless Shelters


In 2021, responding to reports that the state’s homeless shelters were dirty and dangerous, the state Legislature crafted a plan: It would require local governments to inspect their shelters after complaints and file annual reports on shelter conditions.

California Says ICE Detainees Have Labor Rights. They Earn $1 a Day Scrubbing Bathrooms


California failed to ban private detention centers. Now, it’s focusing on their working conditions, for immigrants who toil for $1 a day.

California Sent a Mentally Ill Man to a State Hospital. Then It Charged Him $760,000


California State Hospitals can bill patients for the care they receive during confinement. The charges often run in the tens of thousands of dollars, putting vulnerable people in debt for years.

If Californians Vote to Ban Slavery This Fall, Will Prisoners Get a Raise?


California courts have long upheld below-minimum wage pay for prison inmates working a wide range of jobs. A 2024 ballot measure that would ban forced labor could alter those decisions.

California Has Just Approved a New Blueprint for Offshore Wind. The Massive Projects Will Cost Billions


Harnessing clean energy is a venture of unprecedented scope in California, bringing big changes to Humboldt and the Central Coast, and requiring 26 ports along the coast.

Can California’s Health Care Providers Help Solve the State’s Homelessness Crisis?


Taking advantage of new state funds, some California healthcare providers are starting to offer what their homeless patients really need: housing.

How California Laws May Help Shield It From Supreme Court Decisions


After the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, California’s Democratic leaders moved fast to shore up reproductive rights: They persuaded voters to enshrine the right to an abortion in the state constitution, approved a dozen bills strengthening abortion protections and passed a law in May to enable Arizona doctors to temporarily provide abortion services for their patients in California.

The Supreme Court Took Powers Away From Federal Regulators. Do California Rules Offer a Backstop?


In three rulings the U.S. Supreme Court dealt a body blow to the federal bureaucracy. From healthcare to climate to workers’ rights, California’s rules often go farther.

CalMatters’ Digital Democracy Makes a Difference in the Legislature


CalMatters launched Digital Democracy in April, and its impact has rippled across the Legislature.

California Boosts Spending to Help Students Earn Math and Science Degrees


A program for low-income, first-generation STEM students at community colleges is receiving millions of dollars to expand across the state.

California’s ‘Weak’ Job Market Propped Up by Public Money as Private Sector Sheds Jobs


Private-sector jobs in California have declined since their post-pandemic peak, while public-sector employment has shown gains, the state’s Legislative Analyst’s Office says.

CA November Ballot Is Set, Finally


California lawmakers met into the night on July 3 to finish the November ballot before heading off on summer vacation until Aug. 5.

Gavin Newsom Says Never Mind on CA Crime Measure


Assemblymember James Gallagher speaks during the floor session at the state Capitol in Sacramento on June 13, 2024. Photo by Cristian Gonzalez for CalMatters

California Now Has Mandatory Water Conservation in Urban Areas: How Will the New Rules Affect Your Supplier?


The measures are substantially weaker than a previous proposal after an onslaught of criticism. But they will still save enough water through 2050 to supply the state’s entire population for a year, at a cost of $4.7 billion.

‘Nothing Will Be Protected’ — Why California Environmentalists Oppose a ‘Green’ Energy Bill


Nearly every major environmental group in California opposes a bill that would modify the state’s signature environmental law to speed up upgrades to power lines. Supporters say it would help free the state from fossil fuels and make the grid more reliable, but opponents fear it would damage state parks.

Does a Proposed $10 Billion Bond Favor Richer California School Districts?


Small and low-income school officials say the bond measure deal is unfair. The money is allocated through matching grants, so wealthier districts that can raise more local funds will get more money from the state.

High-Speed Rail Project Advances


Approval of environmental documents for the last segment of the 463-mile high speed rail project means preparation of construction may commence.

State Farm Wants to Raise Rates


Following an increase in homeowner insurance rates earlier this year, State Farm is seeking regulator approval to raise rates again for 1.2 million California home insurance policy holders.

California Adds Reparations Funds to Budget


California advanced reparations efforts with an initial $12 million in funding included in the 2024-2025 state budget.

Who Are the Wealthiest California Legislators? Good Question.


The total stock portfolio of the Legislature was worth as much as $112 million last year but experts say the public should know more about a politician’s total wealth.

California’s Debate Over Coastal Zone Reforms Has Created a False Choice Between Homes and Protections


A push to bolster housing production in California's coastal communities in recent years has led to heated battles over potential state reforms. Below, a veteran elected official believes the debate has created a false choice between housing and protections. The opposing view: A former attorney for the Coastal Commission says the state Coastal Act has failed to deliver on what it envisioned.

‘Total System Breakdown’: California Firefighters With PTSD Face a Workers’ Comp Nightmare


Even when suicidal, California firefighters struggle to find medical help and navigate the workers’ comp morass to pay for it.

What You Need to Know About the California Budget Deal


Gov. Newsom and legislative leaders announce an agreement to bridge the state budget deficit by dipping into reserves and reducing some spending. The deal also calls for a bill in August to set aside more money and a 2026 constitutional amendment to grow the state’s rainy day fund.

Still Need Your Landline? California Regulators Just Stopped AT&T From Pulling the Plug


The California Public Utilities Commission rejected the telecom’s bid to stop providing service in many parts of the state.

In Rain, Snow and Drought, California’s Fights Over Water Rights, Supplies Persist


Legal rights to use water — particularly those obtained prior to 1914 — lie at the heart of California’s perpetual wrangling over the allocation of increasingly limited water supplies.

These California Dams Need Repairs. But Newsom Plans to Cut Grants in Half


Aiming to store more water and protect the public, legislators are negotiating with the governor to restore $50 million to help repair 42 aging dams throughout the state.

Why CA Families Are Getting a Tax Surprise for Health Care


For families seeking affordable health insurance, the state’s health insurance marketplace, Covered California, can provide major relief. But if they’re not careful, they can get hit by an unexpected federal tax bill.

California Homelessness Funding Is on the Chopping Block. Will It Make the Final Budget?


It’s the billion-dollar question. That’s how much cities and other local governments have been receiving from the state each year to deal with California's ever-increasing population of homeless people.

California Made It Easier to Vote, but Some With Disabilities Still Face Barriers


California is hailed as a national leader for voting access. But visually impaired voters and their advocates say they still face unnecessary barriers, despite bills and lawsuits. Some election officials raise security concerns.

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