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In Memory Of
Helen Stuart August 19, 1926 - February 19, 2024
Truckee Tahoe Community Chorus
Listed under: Art, Culture & Media
Residents and visitors in the Tahoe Sierra can report trash issues from illegal dumps to broken sled trash at sled hills by using the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center’s Citizen Science app or by contacting local authorities.
California has used reclamation districts to turn millions of acres of unusable swamps into fertile agricultural land, starting in the earliest days of the Gold Rush. Here’s how it happened.
A conversation with Stacy Caldwell, CEO of Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation
Zoning laws that restrict new housing development cause environmental damage, racial and class segregation, and force people into cars creating traffic. Now, a new movement wants to abolish zoning in the United States.
Renewable energy sources provided 37 percent of California electricity in 2021, a new record for the state as it moves toward its 2045 goal of 100 percent clean energy. Battery storage will play a huge role in reaching that goal.
The future of farming in California is changing as the planet warms, altering the rain and heat patterns that guide which crops are grown where. “We’re adjusting for survival,” one grower said.
A sizeable coalition has called for California's water regulator to take emergency measures to protect Mono Lake and suspend diversions to Los Angeles.
When warm storms melt snowpack early, reservoir managers must release water to prevent flooding—which sends this precious resource into the ocean.
Don’t just be a spectator in the fight against climate change. Here are some small steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint.
California is a leading producer of agricultural crops. So it’s not surprising to find cutting-edge ideas taking root here.
On Nov. 8, Truckee Town Council adopted a Single-Use Foodware Reduction Ordinance. Starting Jan. 1, food vendors must provide reusable foodware for in-house dining and charge a $0.25 fee for each disposable takeout food container and cup provided. Accessory foodware …
Truckee River Day 2022, hosted by Foriver-Truckee River Watershed Council, is on Oct. 16. For more than 25 years, Truckee residents have gathered with boots, buckets, shovels and smiles to tackle projects to restore our mountain home, including restoring meadows, …
Solar power, and a network of giant battery storage facilities, are playing an essential role in moving California toward its goal of exclusive reliance on renewable energy sources.
For half a century, this group has reduced waste, reimagined local transportation and redesigned buildings. It’s all part of Ecology Action’s quest for sustainability.
Sunset on Lake Tahoe is breathtaking. I slip off my flipflops. My feet sink into the sandy beach in Kings Beach and I walk down to the edge of the water. Against the shifting orange sky, puffy clouds and lapping …
Tucked between Tahoe Keys and Regan Beach in South Lake Tahoe, sits the Upper Truckee Marsh and its primary water source, the Upper Truckee River, the largest stream flowing into Lake Tahoe The marsh once included more than 1,600 acres …
Tahoe is majestic and awe inspiring with its jagged mountain peaks, thick forests, swift-running rivers and hundreds of glacial and alpine lakes.
The Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing, which will help pumas in the Santa Monica Mountains cross 10 lanes of Highway 101, will be the largest in the world.
Slow Lake Food Tahoe will open the Food Bank Garden on June 1 for daily compost drop-off open 24 hours per day. Compost donations will also be accepted at the Truckee Certified Farmers Market on Tuesdays between 8 a.m. and …
California may soon shut down its last nuclear power plant, but Gov. Gavin Newsom who once championed the closure has had a change of heart. Federal funds may now keep the plant running.
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