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Sunday Photos, 9/8/24
Here is an oldie but goodie:
Max's Helping Paws Foundation
Listed under: Animals
Located along California’s stunningly gorgeous State Route 1, Marina is the newest city on the Monterey Peninsula, incorporated in 1975. The city grew about 150 percent from 1970 to 1980—a rate that slowed not only when Fort Ord closed but also after voters approved an urban growth boundary in 2000 (and reaffirmed that decision in 2020). According to the city’s mission statement, civic leaders are committed to developing “in a way that insulates it from the negative impacts of urban sprawl to become a desirable residential and business community in a natural setting.” Much of Marina's coastline remains undeveloped, with protected rare species of butterflies, buckwheat, and sea lettuce.
City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month unless otherwise specified.
10-Day Review Period for Rebuttals to Arguments to Measure U.10-Day Review Period for Rebuttal Arguments for Measure U August 23-September 3, 202408/22/2024
10-Day Review Period for Rebuttals to Arguments to Measure U.
Movie in the Park - Top Gun MaverickJoin us on Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 6:30 pm for Movie in the Park event.08/21/2024
Movie in the Park - Top Gun Maverick
10-Day Review Period for City Measure U - Impartial Analysis, Primary Arguments for and Against10-Day Review Period for Marina Measure U Primary Argument In favor or Against from August 16-26, 202408/15/2024
10-Day Review Period for City Measure U - Impartial Analysis, Primary Arguments for and Against
From Monterey County Weekly...
For years the City of Marina has contemplated a bond measure to upgrade its aging facilities. This includes a new city hall, as well as police and fire stations.
From Monterey Herald...
Joby Aviation may have passed on Marina as the spot for its massive production facility – instead opting for Dayton, Ohio in 2023 – but the Santa Cruz-based air taxi company has stated it remains committed to California, having recently broken ground on a manufacturing facility at the Marina Municipal Airport.
City of Marina
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