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Soccer in San Jose
Visit San Jose has just released a video promoting soccer in San Jose. It's only 90 seconds long, and highlights tailgating, PayPal Park, and our awesome Earthquakes fanbase. Enjoy it embedded below.
Gilroy Historical Society
Listed under: History
First Elected: November 2018
Term Ends: December 2022
Day job: Licensed professional engineer
Alma maters: San Jose State University (master’s in science, systems engineering); San Diego State University, (bachelor of science, mechanical engineering)
Notable quote: "I’m a champion for democracy and sensible growth, keys to maintaining our quality of life. Using my professional skills, I have presented dozens of data-driven analyses on development to the city that demonstrated failings in proposed mega developments. I’m a leader in the Better Cupertino grassroots organization of neighbors. Sensible growth is crucial and balances the many aspects of our community.” —Jon Willey, Jon4Democracy.com
20ommittee and board assignments:
Source: City of Cupertino website
From San Jose Spotlight...
Cupertino residents facing displacement because of rising costs and expiring contracts may find a reprieve through new city policy.
Roads in certain parts of fast-paced Silicon Valley have just gotten slower.
R “Ray” Wang has won a spot on the Cupertino City Council in a tight race that triggered a recount for one of two open seats.
From The Mercury News...
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