Picture of Maria Ristow

Councilmember Maria Ristow



Native Chicagoan Maria Ristow moved to California in 1987 for a job in the semiconductor industry and then fell in love with her new home town. During her years in Los Gatos, Ristow served the community in various ways, volunteering at her children’s schools, coaching youth soccer and volleyball, and participating in local government.

In 2014 she was appointed to the Housing Element Advisory Board and enrolled in Leadership Los Gatos. She has also served on the Transportation & Parking Commission, the Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission, and the new Complete Streets & Transportation Commission.

In 2020, Ristow won a seat on the Los Gatos Town Council. After being on the campaign trail, she says, “I understand that my priorities of active transportation, affordable housing, environmental sustainability, economic vitality, and racial and socioeconomic diversity are shared by a good number of Los Gatans.”

Alma mater: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (bachelor of science, chemistry)

Notable quote: “I am an avid cyclist, biking for transportation, exploration and exercise. I have a strong understanding of the infrastructure assets and deficiencies in Los Gatos and nearby communities, as observed from the seat of a bicycle.”

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