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September 17 – 23, 2024
Highlights this week:Bratton... More about Marcia ... Greensite... on the City’s Grand Jury Response ... Steinbruner... what anonymous benefactor, county fairgrounds, and water ... Hayes... Whence...
Leash Law Advocates of Santa Cruz County
Listed under: Animals
From Los Angeles Times...
California "30x30" Conservation Efforts Make Progress
The California state goal to conserve 30% of its land and coastal waters has advanced, with conserved lands reaching 25% and coastal waters 16%.
From CalMatters...
California Lawmakers Negotiating Sweeping Package to Speed Up Solar, Wind Energy
Legislators and Gov. Newsom are working behind the scenes to draft energy legislation before the end-of-the-month deadline.
John Hunt is a collaborator at the California Marine Sanctuary Foundation and a research toxicologist at the University of California, Davis. For over 20 years he co-directed the Marine Pollution Studies Laboratory at Granite Canyon on the Big Sur Coast, …
It seems all manner of e-bikes are popping up across Santa Cruz County more and more—on trails, in streets, outside schools and grocery stores. Sometimes, the e-bikes are even carrying two passengers at a time as they zip down the …
In the wake of the California Marine Sanctuary Foundation’s recent historic $71 billion award, a look back at the first National Oceans Conference.
California Marine Sanctuary Foundation (CMSF) has advice for farmers who have accumulated huge heaps of used plastic, specifically used drip system tape and hoop house film.
In the decade between 2013-23, volunteers and nonprofits picked up 439,358 cigarette butts from Santa Cruz County’s beaches and natural areas, accounting for a quarter of all litter found here.
Santa Cruz County’s economy saw a rebound in the last few years, but an aging workforce and the lack of high-paying jobs might spell trouble for the economy in coming years. These are some of the findings highlighted in the …
The Ben Lomond Village Alliance (BLVA) California Monarch And Pollinator Habitat Kit project has been accepted into the Pollinator Habitat Monarch Conservation program through the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation in Sacramento. Out of 200 applicants, the BLVA project was …
The May 11 first-ever Pitch In All Santa Cruz Cleanup Event had a significant community impact, with more than 30 organizations and 431 individuals holding cleanups from Davenport to the Pajaro Valley, including the cities of Scotts Valley, Capitola, Santa …
As funds for climate change programs are cut, Democrats and environmentalists are pushing for a bond measure on the ballot to restore some funding.
Paul Booth, who lives off Highway 17, said his home insurance was not renewed in 2023. (Michael Warren Mott — Santa Cruz Local file)SANTA CRUZ >> As thousands of Santa Cruz County homeowners are losing home insurance, a state …
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