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Monterey County Sustainability Overview

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Central Coast Community Energy is a Community Choice Energy Agency established to source clean and renewable electricity for Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz counties and parts of San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties while retaining local utility providers’ traditional role delivering power and maintaining electric infrastructure as well as billing.

California Local Pin Marker Local Sustainability Digest

California Needs a Million EV Charging Stations — but That’s ‘Unlikely’ and ‘Unrealistic’


Public chargers must be built at an unprecedented pace to meet the target in less than 7 years, and then doubled to 2 million in 2035. The high cost — $120,000 or more for one fast charger— is just one obstacle.

California Has Just Approved a New Blueprint for Offshore Wind. The Massive Projects Will Cost Billions


Harnessing clean energy is a venture of unprecedented scope in California, bringing big changes to Humboldt and the Central Coast, and requiring 26 ports along the coast.

California Local Pin Marker Recent Articles

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
Monterey County Serves as a Pilot Toward Creating a New Economy for California.

If you think about it, Monterey County is a microcosm of California. It features some of the state’s major environmental features: ocean, mountains and fertile soils. The combination contributes to the state’s biggest industries, agriculture and tourism. And like California,…

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
Officials at Odds About How to Fix a Bridge While Preserving Iconic Big Sur.

Highway 1 in Big Sur is among the most beautiful roads on Earth. Most images of it – aside from disaster photos – contain one common element: a bridge. The 1930s-era bridges along Highway 1 have become the artery’s defining…

San Jose Inside logo LOCAL NEWS
California Climate Programs Would Lose Billions in Newsom’s Budget

As funds for climate change programs are cut, Democrats and environmentalists are pushing for a bond measure on the ballot to restore some funding.

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
A Comprehensive Study of Unsustainable Groundwater Pumping in the County Is Cause for Alarm.

On May 9, staff from the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency presented its board a long-awaited study about the so-called Deep Aquifers, which have been increasingly mined in recent years as seawater intrusion marches inland toward the city of…

Organic Rising: Central Coast Farmers Featured in New Film

Anthony Saua, director of Organic Rising, talks about the rise of organic agriculture and its importance to health, the environment and slowing global warming,

King City Rustler logo LOCAL NEWS
Farmworker Housing Study Oversight Committee Convenes to Review Progress

CENTRAL COAST — Despite significant progress since the release of a landmark 2018 farmworker housing study quantifying critically overcrowded housing conditions for agricultural workers in the region, thousands more homes are needed to relieve severe overcrowding, unaffordable rents and ensure …

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
Joby Aviation Is Building for a Future in the Air, and Marina Is an Important Part of That Picture.

Joby Aviation sees the future of mobility as up in the air—not figuratively, but literally.

King City Rustler logo LOCAL NEWS
Pinnacles National Park Takes on Massive Paving Project This Spring, Early Summer

SOLEDAD — Pinnacles National Park will break ground on a park-wide paving project beginning at the end of April, resulting in some closures for visitors during the late spring and early summer period.

Image caption: California has a goal of 6 million heat pumps cooling and heating buildings by 2030.
6 Million New Heat Pumps: Essential to California's Climate Future

Heat pumps, an energy-efficient way to both heat and cool homes, are a necessary element of California's climate goal of net zero carbon emissions. Here's what they are, how they work, and how to get one.

Monterey County Weekly logo LOCAL NEWS
When Will Highway 1 Reopen in Big Sur? Caltrans Projects Fall 2024 for Passage Through All Slides.

One scenic stretch of highway through Big Sur, four current blockage points.


Water is a human right under California law, but it doesn’t always work out that way.
Agriculture and Water Shortages in the State’s Breadbasket, Explained
There are many causes contributing to this crisis. And as you may already know, this situation really is nuts.
RCDs look after the land, whether it’s used for grazing, growing, or getting out into nature.
California Dirt
RCDs were created to avoid a repeat of the Dust Bowl. Now they work with landowners to preserve the air, water and natural habitats that sustain us all.
Moss Landing in Monterey Bay is the world’s largest battery storage facility for solar and other renewable energy.
Solar Power and California’s Clean Energy Goals
How the sun is helping push the state toward 100 percent renewable energy.
Dairy products are California’s top agricultural commodity, but the industry is often criticized for its impact on the environment.
Sustainable Sustenance
Greener ways to feed the world’s growing population
How California reclamation districts turned millions of acres of wetlands into fertile agricultural land, starting in the earliest days of the Gold Rush.
Reclamation Districts: Turning ‘Swamps’ Into Farmland
From its earliest days as a state, California has been trying to turn marshes into productive land.
Long-duration energy storage, such as this thermal energy storage facility, allows renewable energy sources to operate at full capacity without overloading the power grid.
How California Leads the Race For Long Duration Energy Storage
For renewable energy sources such as solar and wind to be viable, ways to store the power they create are essential.
California has a goal of 6 million heat pumps cooling and heating buildings by 2030.
6 Million New Heat Pumps: Essential to California's Climate Future
Installing 6 million heat pumps by 2030 is essential if California is to reach its goal of net zero carbon emissions.
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