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Tahoe Truckee Region Business, Economy & Jobs Articles

Image caption: How does social media affect the minds and well-being of children? According to California and other states, not well.
California Sues Meta For Damaging Kids’ Mental Health

California and 32 other states are suing Instagram’s parent company, Meta, saying that their apps are damaging to children. Is there evidence for those claims? Here’s why social media is under attack.

Image caption: Californians continue to set clocks back every fall, and ahead each spring.
Daylight Saving Time, Explained

After a 2018 vote authorizing the state legislature to make daylight saving time year-round, Californians are still changing their clocks twice per year. How did we get here?

Tahoe Daily Tribune logo LOCAL NEWS
City Manager appoints Zachary Thomas as Director of Development Services

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. – South Lake Tahoe City Manager, Joe Irvin, announced the appointment of Zachary Thomas as Director of Development Services.

Image caption: Gov. Newsom has signed a bill moving the state toward a single-payer health care system. Not all single-payer backers are happy.
California Takes One Small Step Toward Single-Payer Healthcare

California took the first step toward a single-payer health care system when Gov. Gavin Newsom signed SB 770 this month, but the move is not enough for many backers of universal health coverage.

Image caption: California's Employment Development Department is on the brink of insolvency, leaving the state in a desperate situation if a recession hits.
Unemployment Insurance: California’s ‘Urgent’ $20 Billion Debt Problem

The state’s unemployment insurance debt, which ballooned as a result of the pandemic, is in dire straits with no clear path forward.

Tahoe Daily Tribune logo LOCAL NEWS
Cult Burger cooking up a following

When chef and co-owner of Cult Burger in Tahoma, Quinten Frye, saw the space become available for an idea that had been marinating with him for quite some time, he knew he had to jump at the chance.

Image caption: California, America’s technology mecca, is quickly falling behind in education for the next generation of computer scientists.
California Ranks Low in Tech Education Due to Teacher Shortage

Only 40 percent of California high schools offer computer science classes as California falls behind in technology education nationally. A new law aims to make it easier to certify computer science teachers.

Image caption: As the pandemic safety net is pulled back, poverty among California construction workers is up 14 percent.
Expiring COVID Aid Sending California Workers into Poverty

California’s poverty rate climbed and its working poor grew this spring, says the Public Policy Institute of California. Safety net programs played a major role in poverty rate changes.

Image caption: Warehouse storage is just one aspect of the highly complex logistics industry that keeps supply chains running.
Logistics: the Crucial Industry You’ve Never Heard Of

Logistics is one of the largest industries in California and keeps the state economy running. But it also comes with a heavy cost to the environment. Here are the facts on the most important industry you don't know much about, …

Image caption: California is considering an end to a program that gives tax credits for cow poop–based biofuels.
Climate Credits for Cow Manure: Program May End Soon

California grants climate credits for fuel made from cow manure, but there’s a paradox: The state’s program encourages collection of methane yet promotes natural gas.

Image caption: California passed a 2020 law requiring coverage a wider range of mental health conditions. But insurers may not be following it.
Senate to Probe Health Insurers’ Compliance With Mental Health Law

A 2020 California law expanded the number of mental health conditions that insurers must cover. Now, lawmakers are reviewing whether the law is working as intended.

Image caption: There is a wind-turbine arms race underway in China, which already manufactures windmills whose blades sweep an area the size of 10 football fields per spin.
Wind Turbine Developments off Central Coast on ‘Fast Track’

Ocean wind farms are essential to electrify California’s grid with 100% clean energy. But they’re a giant, costly experiment—no one knows how hundreds of towering turbines will transform the remote North Coast.

Tahoe Daily Tribune logo LOCAL NEWS
South Tahoe Public Utility District receives award in financial excellence

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. – The South Tahoe Public Utility District was awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada. "The...

Image caption: Gov. Newsom calls bringing down price of insulin “a priority,” then vetoes a bill to do just that.
Why Did Gov. Newsom Veto Bill to Cap Copay on Insulin?

Gov. Gavin Newsom has made lowering the cost of prescription drugs a signature health care issue, but he rejected a bill to cap what diabetics pay for insulin. His reasoning: California is working on a different solution.

Image caption: Demonstrators in Sacramento went on a hunger strike to persuade Gov. Newsom to okay a bill banning caste discrimination.
Newsom Vetoes 'Unnecessary' Caste Discrimination Bill

Gov. Newsom vetoes what would have been a first-in-the-nation law banning caste discrimination in education, housing and the workplace. The bill divided South Asian communities in California.

Image caption: California is one of the most complex political entities in the world. California Local’s upcoming book explains it all in 46 fascinating chapters.
‘How California Works’—a Synopsis of California Local’s First Book

California Local enters the world of book publishing with its upcoming book, ‘How California Works,’ explaining the inner workings of this ‘most American state.’

Image caption: More than 9 million Californians who rely on Kaiser for healthcare would be affected by the scheduled Oct. 4 labor action.
Kaiser Strike Over Worker Pay Could Hit Dozens of California Hospitals

Kaiser Permanente provides health care to more than 9 million Californians. A strike this week could affect patients at dozens of hospitals.

Image caption: Fast food workers celebrate as Gov. Gavin Newsom signs a bill raising their minimum hourly pay to $20.
New CA Fast Food Minimum Wage Set at $20 Under New Law

More than half a million fast food workers, mostly minorities and women, will earn higher minimum wage because Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a fast food bill Thursday. But some say that’s not a living wage.

Image caption: California workers could receive unemployment benefits if they go on strike. It’s up to Gavin Newsom.
Gov to Decide if Unemployment Benefits Go to Striking Workers

A union-backed bill that would make strikers eligible for California’s unemployment benefits awaits the governor’s signature. Businesses say it’ll cost too much.

Sierra Sun logo LOCAL NEWS
Nevada County Supervisor Hall advocates for wildfire insurance solutions in D.C.

NEVADA CITY, Calif. – Nevada County Supervisor Heidi Hall met last week with congressional staff to discuss possible wildfire insurance solutions. Many Nevada County homeowners have been dropped by insurance providers and have had to...


Water is a human right under California law, but it doesn’t always work out that way.
Agriculture and Water Shortages in the State’s Breadbasket, Explained
There are many causes contributing to this crisis. And as you may already know, this situation really is nuts.
The cycle of crime and homelessness is escalating, but it doesn't have to be that way.
Homelessness and Crime in California: Even More Complex Than You Think
What causes the cycle of homelessness and crime, and how to stop it.
Thousands of homeowners have been kicked off their fire insurance policies.
California Fire Insurance Crisis: How the State Helps Homeowners
The state tries persuading insurance companies to cover homes in fire zones.
Moss Landing in Monterey Bay is the world’s largest battery storage facility for solar and other renewable energy.
Solar Power and California’s Clean Energy Goals
How the sun is helping push the state toward 100 percent renewable energy.
Owning homes is the primary way the middle class builds wealth, and an option no longer available to most Californians.
Is California’s Housing Crisis Making Inequality Worse?
California has some of the worst economic inequality in the United States. Is housing a cause? Could it be a cure?
Though life expectancy has declined in recent years, Californians still live longer than most Americans.
Want to Live a Long, Healthy Life? Move to California
Californians live longer than people in all but three states, but not all counties are equal.
They help feed the whole country, but life for California’s farm workers remains a struggle.
How California Feeds the Country
California, a state known for high-tech and show business glitz, is also America’s farming powerhouse.
Zoning laws tell you what you can and can't build on the property you own. How does government get away with that?
How Zoning Laws Shape California and Society
Zoning is everywhere, but is it a way to regulate development or a tool for social engineering?
How California reclamation districts turned millions of acres of wetlands into fertile agricultural land, starting in the earliest days of the Gold Rush.
Reclamation Districts: Turning ‘Swamps’ Into Farmland
From its earliest days as a state, California has been trying to turn marshes into productive land.
Long-duration energy storage, such as this thermal energy storage facility, allows renewable energy sources to operate at full capacity without overloading the power grid.
How California Leads the Race For Long Duration Energy Storage
For renewable energy sources such as solar and wind to be viable, ways to store the power they create are essential.