Picture of Kookie Fitzsimmons

Councilmember Kookie Fitzsimmons


(408) 867-4231


Elected to the Saratoga City Council in 2020, Kookie Fitzsimmons believes she is the first member to be born and raised in Saratoga. In fact, she’s a third-generation local—and she comes equipped with 30 years of experience serving the community. Her activities include six years on the Saratoga Planning Commission and more than two decades on the Saratoga Rotary Club. And she put in 15 years as a small-business owner in Saratoga Village.

Day job: Clinical research

Alma maters: UCLA, College of Notre Dame

Notable quote: “I believe in transparency. I believe in people being informed. I believe that we all have access to information so we can process it and we need time to review this as well. I believe in everyone having an informed decision. ... Give more people access to the information. Let them come to their own conclusions.” —Kookie Fitzsimmons, ElectKookie.com

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